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 Yoga part 3

In class last night I slipped into a wondrous state.
My focus was sharp and my intentions was pure,
As I moved with a grace and a beauty that surprised me.
I easily entered that precious present moment awareness
As the asanas flowed from my soul outward to my body.
My breath harnessed my awareness and ushered it into the now.

At times like this I never want my practice to come to an end.
I desire to remain in this place a while longer, just a little while longer;
As peace settles down upon my soul as I realize that this is true life.
The gentle prodding to the edge of each pose as I move deeper,
Reaching a place in the asana that I have never reached before.
With ease,  balance, and stillness I enter into unity of myself.

This came from the giving up of my ideas and allowing myself to flow.
Not coming from a more advanced practice as I have once thought.
Entering into this state can come from just one simple seated pose.
My hunger within to learn sometimes overshadows reality,
As the peace is waiting  at that edge of each and every pose.
I learn to surrender to Yoga my practice develops strength.


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