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 From the Heart Through the Pen

Not Much Difference

He said he was the blues in her left
Trying to become the funk in her right
She asked why it's always about sex
Yet went to bed with him the first night
That goes to show
That there isn't much difference
Between a man and a woman yo

He put it on her
And she on him
Which made cheese omelets occur
Had it been me
She may have had a side of grits
Maybe a slice of ham
Turn around, go upstairs
And have at it again

We're used to the woman making the meal
Yet the brother sealed the deal
Took her heart while she his
Now you know
There ain't much difference
Between a man and a woman yo

You see there are trials and errors
Ties may get severed
Yet the bond won't let the connection break
She goes her way and me mine
But like reaching water with a rod that's divine
Their hearts will lead to each other again

Now there may be much difference though
Between a girl and a man
A boy and a woman
But there's not much difference
Between a man and a woman yo

¥☼MOI☼¥  2 Dec 08

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