just thoughts 

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I am sitting hear looking at the etchings on my arms, chest, legs, and back;
Looking  beyond the colors, beyond the shapes, beyond the artistic flare.
Wondering why? Ultimately why did I allow my body to be tattooed?
I fall deeply into this well of thought, then I disconnect, now I just sit and I watch…

Without distinction I lived my live, average in every way; without anything that set me apart;
Until my tattoo's began to proclaim a difference;  I'm now unusual, a conversation piece.
Each tattoo has a specific purpose; each has a meaning to express to others,
As my addictive personality snowballed with desires and ideas.
I have become the illustrated man of Covington.
Distinction is now my middle name, as my sameness has exploded in color.
But now I ask is this what I really wanted? Did I want to truly be separate?
I see my ego's hand in the works of art on my body,
Because from within my soul I desire unity.
Melting away the walls of difference, becoming one with God and His children.
I am divided in my appearance, yet within myself I am not;
Now, I seek to discover a way of using my body to bring about peace.

Many recognize the beauty of the art,  this melts the walls  of separation.
I have become more approachable to strangers by the artwork on my body.
I am proud of the creations that Roger, Christina, and Daniel;
Their magic travels with me where ever my path takes me.
Tattoo's reveal my self to others,
As I become naked standing before you.
My memories, my hopes, my dreams, my desires displayed for all the world.
This artwork becomes a magnet drawing in others into my orbit;
Without  my tattoo's I was more separated within my sameness.
Life has drawn me deeper into reflection…
I love the union that others feel with me through the tattoo's;
No longer do I question this ink in my flesh,
As I see the blessing in my life,
I see the beauty in my life,
I see the unity in my life,


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