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 Cherished Opinions

by Fred Pifer.

From the depths of my mind arises the fortress of my life,
Built upon the foundation of my cherished opinions.

Grasping with all my strength to these mindsets;
For the construction of the truths I have built for my life
Depends on the strength of my foundation.
I am able to stand against the onslaughts of life,
Weather any storm as long as this edifice remains.
I have built with the understanding that these opinions of mine are my truth.

From the depths of my mind arises the fortress of my life,
Built upon the foundation of my cherished opinions.

I sometimes wonder why there is a need of diversity in mankind's truths.
Just allow me to teach you the way and you will not be lost.
For this bastion of truth gleams of polished gold,
Never allowing doubt to attack the foundation.
Destroying any open thought conflicting with my reality,
Stomping out diversity like a dying butt of a cigarette.

From the depths of my mind arises the fortress of my life,
Built upon the foundation of my cherished opinions.

As the light of truth breaks into my life, reality shatters this illusion;
This foundation  laid from my opinions  begins to crumble.
The realization that there is a difference between truth and my opinions.
Destruction of the edifice I have built is certain,
But then reality the sun shines down upon my face.
My cherished opinions are only constructions of my own mind.


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