just thoughts 

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Imagine sight…
          Rainbows stretching across the rain freshened sky
          The sparkle of in the eyes of your lover
          Sunset over the ocean in the west as the orange ball is dipped into the deep
                    Darkness of moonless night without hope of morning
                    Stumbling for the words of description of life without light

Imagine hearing…
          Birds singing on a spring morning calling out for a mate
          The voices of the children playing in the park
          Subtle tones of a symphony by Beethoven or Bach
                    Loneliness of the piercing quiet
                    Volumeless mouths moving then smiling

Imagine smell…
          The odor of cookies baking during the Christmas holidays at my grandma's
          Forsythia blooming in the early spring promising hope of the summer
          Crisp air at the oceans edge assaulting my nose at daybreak
                    Breath empty of all but the functionality of air itself
                    Slightest moments of pleasure lost as my nose becomes stale

Imagine taste…
          The exquisite flavors of oriental foods sliding across my mouth
          The tickle of my tongue by the champagne of this life
          Lips of that special  someone          
                    Bland nutrition without any excitement, without any color
                    Pointlessness of sugary treats

Image touch…
          Sensual pleasures of flesh on flesh in times of passion
          Feet being grounded on the earth as my balance is sure
          Warmth of a firm handshake of a friend
                    Orientation lost within this universe of senses
                    Isolation from my own bodies movements and sensations


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