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 Power of Stillness

The world is attacking me from all sides;
I feel the pain, I see the blood, I am reeling.
Spinning out of control, I want to lash out;
Attack back into the dark corners of my life.
I hear from deep in my soul a small voice speak;
Softly imploring me to find the power of stillness.

I have a hard time relaxing my clenched fists,
For I am ready to do battle in defense of myself.
I can see a crystal clear stream flowing within;
Bringing the power of my soul's strength to me.
I am renewed by this generous gift from spirit;
I am comforted by the power of stillness.

I find that quiet place within that responds to peace;
Strong and wise, this center is the place of the kings.
Full of the glory that springs from life everlasting;
Full of the love that grows from my soul's source.
Gentle waves of peace overcome me, I sit quietly;
I am strengthened by the power of stillness.


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