just thoughts 

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The challenge in this life sometimes is in the way we see things;
Do we judge the world by our standards, or some other  measure.
Arbitrarily allowing someone else to create the standard of judgment,
Or do we see with the eyes of creation;
Beautiful is all things in these joyous eyes!

Excitedly drinking in large gulps of life, without filtering, without judging.
All God has created, even in its fallen state;
Reflects a measure of its Creator God.
Even the most vile becomes tasteful under this circumstance.
Beautiful is all things in these joyous eyes!

Opening my eyes and my arms to the fullness of life;
Surrendering my self given right to separate from this creation.
No longer seeing the flaws, the crooked, the non-perfect in my day,
The truth of God's love pours in through my open senses.
Beautiful is all things in these joyous eyes!

The end of days is for the judgment, and that even is not my right.
Instead, experience the fullness, the diversity, the chaos, …life.
As God's children, this earth is our playground in the sun.
Jesus will judge the quick and the dead; not me, never, not me.
Beautiful is all things in these joyous eyes!

Drink from this full cup of life until we are drunk with love.
Allow the flavors of variety to season our senses.
Open your heart to the beauty of God's creation.
Taste life, breathe in the air, touch the sky, hear the melody;
Beautiful is all things in these joyous eyes!


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