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 Yoga  part  8

The more that I practice, the more I realize I miss the mark;
The yamas and niyamas seem to only be a fantasy.
My life seems to move through the motions at times,
Without direction, without guidance, blown by the winds.
Then I walk onto my mat and I remember who I am;
I climb back into that seat of observation.
The present moment I no longer battle against;
I just accept it, no if's, and's, or but's.
This follows me off the mat for a while,
Then it is snatched away;
Swiper, no swiping!
             I come to realize more each day that
Yoga is not the asanas on my mat,
Yoga is not my breathing exercises,
Yoga is not even the meditation,
Yoga is not exercise.
The yamas and niyamas combine with the other six limbs;
Yoga is union,
Complete and whole;
One body, one mind, one soul;
The Holy One.
Yoga is meant to be a vehicle of transportation
Into the next dimension of my evolution;
Transformed by the power of unity,
The power of presence;
Born anew, fresh from the ashes of my former life.
A new edifice built by my inner self,
Not designed to separate me from the world,
But created to invite the universe into union with me.
Yoga is union,
Complete and whole,
One body, one mind, one soul;
The Holy One.


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