just thoughts 

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Mankind's survival depended on harnessing fire
The ancients were introduced by lightning strikes
But this random act of nature would not be enough
As the days were getting cooler
Survival would depend on this fire
The Ice Age is coming soon

One day Uhga was making an arrowhead
When he struck a rock against another rock
He noticed that there was a spark of light
Like the miniature version of the lightning in the sky
Or was it  his woman, Daisy,  who saw the spark first and pointed
He shrugged his shoulders, she pointed to the sky

Ahhh!!! Enlightenment came inside of Uhga's cranium
As this man discovered the flint's ability to spark
Small tender was then added to the spark by trail and error
Or by the wisdom from the watching Daisy, his trusty mate
Uhga spread his invention to his neighbors and was praised
Honors came, being named caveman of the eon by his peers

Mankind would survive the approaching Ice Age now
As the salvation came within a small spark
Our survival was made secure from the approaching cold
Discovery, experiment, and a woman's touch
The Ice Age came and went;  we are still here
Spark…Thank you, Daisy


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