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 Life of Pain

Shouting out to the heavens, seeking God's face;
Desiring His blessings and His loving embrace.
Wanting only a moment's relief from my life of pain;
Oh Lord, please, I don't mean to whine or complain.

For years the increasing agony has shackled my life;
Sometimes , I don't feel like I'm being a very good wife.
This haze of pain medications dulls my mind today;
But this has become my life of pain everyday.

Oh, to feel the ease from the fire within my nerves;
To enjoy a piece of toast with strawberry preserves.
To sleep throughout the night without the tears;
To live without the pain, to live without the fears.

Dear sweet Lord, rescue me from this pit of despair;
On days like today, this all seems so completely unfair.
Just for a moment of peace is all I ask from You, Lord;
Freedom from this life of pain,  give me my life restored.


Written from inside the head of a friend.
May God bless you, Deb.

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