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 Compassionate Hearts

I look around me in this spinning world today,
I see man's inhumanity to man on every side.
I see pain, cruelty, agony, hunger, disease,
War, hatred, selfishness, greed, and sadness.
The cries of the destitute reach up to heaven;
God seeks out those with compassionate hearts.

Heartlessness can be seen as the root of all our troubles;
Without a care of others, so many seek only their own.
Hording the comfort as a barrier against the storm;
Leaving masses huddled outside our doors without concern.
Self centered in our ways, disregarding the pleas for help,
God is scanning the masses looking for compassionate hearts.

The shouts for relieve are not unheard by God,
Reaching down from the heavens to comfort;
But without His army of souls to do His will.
God is limited by our lack of concern of others needs.
It seems that even many of His army is tied up in self,
God is willing to empower with compassionate hearts.


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