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 Language of Enchantment

The Sparrow

~^~The Sparrow~^~

She once watched her daddy weep
From behind her mama's skirt...
Not understanding why he cried
With each shovel full of dirt.
It was just an ordinary bird
She reasoned in her childish mind.
Her daddy didn't even know it
And he was not the crying kind.
Why would this little sparrow
Break this big man's heart?
My, her Mama, too, was weeping!
She watched them both fall all apart!
She was barely five years old...
She couldn't really comprehend.
Why would he bury it then pray
For the sparrow to ascend?
When her daddy bowed his head
She could only stand and stare.
She stood startled when he spoke
These poignant words in prayer.
"Another little sparrow, Lord,
That's flying home to you.
The winds and rains have beaten
And broken this one, too".
I know You've watched and wept
As each fell to the ground.
I've turned the earth and buried
Every single one I've found.
Life on this earth is fragile
For birds and beasts and men.
That's why we must be faithful
And to Your Words attend.
For like this little sparrow,
We, too, shall fly away.
Receive this little feathered friend
As You'll receive us all one day.
And, dear Lord, please protect us
When we're not flying right.
For like this little sparrow
I know we're always in your sight.
Forgive us our trespasses
In Jesus' Name we pray.
And, Father God, we bless You
Today and every day.
And so upon this summer day
The will of God was done
When a big man and a little bird
Beneath a blazing southern sun
Brought a little girl's first lesson
In death and life beyond.
A lesson which remained with her...
One of which she was so fond.
Memories make up our lives...
Some are happy...some are sad.
You see, I was that little girl
And the big man was my dad.

 (C)Doris Jacobs-Covington
  June 20, 2009
"The very hairs of your head
are all numbered. Don't be
afraid, you are worth more
than many sparrows."
Luke 12:7



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