Dust and Dreams-A Journey

Tribute (Love)


Recalling the enchanted world of thou, love,
Sweeps a wind of joy upon thy breast,
Along thy river of pearls thou roped for me,
Thrashed against love's breathless sea,
An ode to days of glory,

Reliving thy fragrance of glistening skin,
Radiating from thy golden child stance,
Thy merry mind, doth laugh in delight,
To float soundlessly amidst true love's flight,
An ode to freedom in flight,

That orchestra of old, thou played, love,
With such reverence for thy pleasure,
Croons to thy ear in her gentle whispers,
To raise her atop heaven's peaks of kissed earth,
An ode to freed spirit, angels kissed her,

Oh my love, do journey still forth,
Do journey in quest of shared, cherished imparting,
For indeed do I feel blush, upon virgin breast,
In swaying memory of young passion's quest,
An ode to medieval, dreamer's crest,

My love, my love, why did thou thy maiden leave?
In fair flowering, when Spring robins did sing?
Thy fragments of thy shattered heart,
In mute, agonizing truth did impart,
An ode to shadows of Camelot,

In denial's flame, weave I my loom,
Awaiting thou return, to light thy candle,
For violin's weeping, tragic song,
She doth mocketh thee in her notes of doom,
An ode to weaving in my room,

To thee year I for days of love,
Thy shared chalice of all golden light,
Thy love hath left, to leave me weep,
Loom in hand, threads bare, loss deep,
In ode to memory's lair, I sleep.

  2002
Cristine M. DiMario

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