
Master's Palace

While passing by my old house ,
I doubt, I have ever lived in it.
Adjustments of ego kept me on toe.
Restlessness put fire under feet.
Always I remained in spin.
People pulled my nose strings to ride.
Being attached, I just followed the shadows.
For appeasement ,in vain, I turned every stone.
Words of appreciation I could not listen.
Now, being in house on opposite side, I see,
The glimpse of universal joke.
Whatever I was carrying, was donkey's load.
By being away , I realize ,
It was journey through fog and smoke.
While passing by my old house ,
I tremble in fear ,as I was once it's inmate.
Inertia of my past still chase me .
Though here alone but contented to the core.
Past is forbidden & future sits with me.
Once in new house ,I pray not to go back.
Need for still good may arise.
So long as I am under His umbrella ,
I hope to get still comfortable houses.
Till I reach my Master's palace.

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