Keeper Of The Flame
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 Tenebrous Horizon

Should I think, should I feel, should I dream this way?
All the Poetrypoem members observing the golden rule.
Each saying politely exactly that which they wish to say
But no one being unkind and no one playing the fool....

A community of diverse ideas interwoven, interlacing
To represent to the world a myriad of minds exploring
All styles, all forms of human thought without disgracing
Themselves or this Site as their minds go forth soaring....

Should I hope, dare I to dream, or should I finally despair
Knowing this site shall never experience a lighter day
Aware of the odd sorts of people who are lurking out there
Who consider crushing someone as some form of play....

Hope really does not spring eternal for mundane affairs
Of pretenders and would-be's bereft of poetic skills
So instead they parade up and down while putting on airs
Never knowing or caring how behaving decently feels....

And who am I, you would ask, to speak of such things?
Perhaps I am one of the victims of their nefarious ways
But maybe I'm just an outsider looking in at things
Seeing events unfair, unfriendly, much to my dismay....

Aug 27 2009

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