
Real   "I" And Samadhi

Unstuck sound from far away  benumb.
Petals of lips become motionless.
Tunes stir emotions suppressed.
Eyes in honor close their trade.
I start "stopping" too but slowly.
Thoughts disturbing starts evaporating slowly.
They jump, boil and fly away.
Nothingness creeps in slowly.
Then self gets awakened to see self.
Watcher of dreams, knower of unknown.
Burning thoughts just become powerless.
Thoughts in total control but do not boil now.
Where the burning goes , i cannot tell.
Being finally melts into non-being.
May be for hours I live with real "I"
I see world's subtlest drama daily.
Surely I see how the I of ego befools "I" of soul
Can we search "I" with ordinary I?
No, never ever.  I  is nothing but illusion.
Shadow  behaves like object.
When saint's " I " desires, I gets converted into "I".
Only this clean  "I' can feel the super "I"
Now we see above from below.
It is possible to see below from above then.

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