Poetry - >>>>>>>>>> Poetry by Atheana <<<<<<<<<<, Atheana Rowe
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1. You’re Gone
2. Echoes Through Time, dedicated to Mamela and John
3. The Refugee (ode to the war in Ukraine)
4. Betrayal
5. ....Heartbreak
6. Dad
7. I've Learned... author unknown
8. On His Own
9. A Story
10. Morals of an alley cat, the stink of a skunk
11. For a Reason, author unknown
12. Half Full
13. Merry we go 'round
14. Lingering Shadows
15. Enough!
16. A Fishbowl
17. The Fool
18. For What Reason? by Harry Stephenson
19. WAR by Atheána - ode to the war in the Ukraine
20. Four Months
21. The Messenger
22. Why God? ode to my grandmother, Claire
23. MS ... more not less!
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