A.D. 33/Signposts/Ground Zero/Unsung


You assumed
I had it together
Whether singing the blues
Or whistling a happy tune
Perhaps simpler than the complexity
You unfortunately imbue.

Not everyone is fated
Either a success
Or a failure
It's all relative
So, stop comparing
And start living.

You wanna give
But can't forgive
Just half measures availed nothing
Except a hole in your soul
And a monkey on your back.

You can't blame God
Or Jesus
Or the Devil
Or your parents
You talk about
Being tough as nails
But society has been endlessly wiping your behind
And keeping you above water
Yet you continue to complain
So much for the help they gave
Free of money and time
So, get off your rocking horse
And take a thorough inventory
Cause I'm tired of excusing
Looking the other way
While being prostituted.


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