Poetry - Poems, Jodie Pollock

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1. An ocean of tears, a river of secrets
2. Ahead of life
3. A spirit and a ghost
4. Always that one person
5. Are you my someone?
6. Be yourself? Or act? Hide?
7. Change
8. Death
9. Die of cancer? Die his dancer?
10. Do you understand?
11. Dont believe, they dont care
12. Emotions
13. Eternity
14. Friends and love
15. Her personality, her identity
16. Hey, hello, hi
17. I know you, you never knew me
18. I love you, do you love me?
19. Just walk, never talk
20. Life, death, suicide
21. My looks, hideous?
22. No goodbyes are forever
23. Nobody
24. Options, No, Options, Yes, Options, Do you know?
25. Pain, dont put up with it
26. Saved me, set me free, let me be me.
27. Speak the truth and you'll be heard.
28. The choice is not yours, not changeable.
29. The game
30. Those feelings, them tears fall.
31. Together forever
32. Walk through that pain
33. What is life?
34. Why?
35. Will she ever be mine, or will i miss?
36. Youll be in my heart
37. Your face, your mouth, your lips, no taste?

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