Poetry - Poetic-Verses, Bi Ma
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1. Do Only What You Want To Do
2. Falsehoods, Are What They Portray
3. For Our Madness, They Will Not Provide Cures
4. Satan Is Now, In Control
5. For Our Future, You Took The Lead
6. Humanity, Has Now Been Discarded
7. You're Through ''
8. Our Free Will Is Under Attack
9. He Is Laughing, At You
10. A Pacifist Is How Youll Be Defined
11. By The Written Word We Are Smitten
12. No, Theres No Right Of Appeal
13. The Needs Of The Many, Outweighs Those Of The Few
14. Life Is, But An Illusion
15. Self-Belief Is What You Must Acquire
16. We Pray They Forget
17. '' You Just Can't Trust ''
18. '' Will Cease ''
19. Theyre In Heaven, While You Rot In Hell ''
20. Who Me
21. From This Cell Ill Never Be Free
22. '' I've Left All I Cherished Behind ''
23. To Narrate And Write, Youre Designed
24. With The People They Spurned
25. Stand With Pride
26. Well Send Them, Into Fight
27. The Earth Will Collapse
28. As A Heaven Has A Certain Attraction
29. I Cant See A Thing
30. The Past, I Dont Want To Redeem
31. Never Be Tempted By Greed
32. Christmas, Can Become Your New Dawn
33. Weve Reversed
34. A Little Revision
35. Not One Of Them Will Grieve
36. From This Cell Ill Never Be Free
37. Its A Friendship Youll Never Forget
38. On Humanity They Are, But A Cancer
39. '' I Can't Say What Will Happen Tomorrow ''
40. '' Low Life Scum ''
41. '' All They've Done Is Cause Us Distress ''
42. '' You're Still Here ''
43. '' When Will We Ever Learn ''
44. This Could Happen, To You
45. Whats Without, Has Come From, Within
46. '' Realigned ''
47. We May Find Those Secrets, We Seek
48. This Is Fact, Its Not A Prediction
49. '' You Must Remain Strong ''
50. '' It's Hot ''
51. '' To Pay Our Price ''
52. '' Death Is Where Sanity Prevails ''
53. There Is, A New Life Ahead
54. Hes Entrenched In His World Of Lies
55. '' That's Why, You're Feeling Harassed ''
56. '' My Ordeal, Will Remain Unspoken ''
57. '' Never Look Back, Look Ahead ''
58. One And The Same
59. '' The Earth, Will Now Be Invaded ''
60. '' It's Me ''
61. From Karma, You Need To Beware
62. '' Let The Voice Of The Masses Hold Sway ''
63. No-one Is Better Than You
64. We May Find Those Secrets, We Seek
65. '' My Invention Is Dead ''
66. '' I Know How, To Manipulate Diction ''
67. '' Remain Proud, When You Reminisce ''
68. '' Don't Let Them Get It From You ''
69. '' Poetry Was Made To Enjoy ''
70. Do You Know Who I Am
71. '' I Don't Want To Know ''
72. '' I Know ''
73. '' Until They Show Me Respect ''
74. '' You Cannot Cure A Cancer ''
75. '' Ask Yourself, What Would You Do ''
76. '' There Is, A New Life Ahead ''
77. '' Perfection ''
78. '' Who They Are ''
79. '' Guilty Of Greed ''
80. '' We've Had Enough ''
81. Youre Now Back, In Control Of Your Life
82. Would You Wantonly Kill Your Descendant
83. The Critic, Is Nothing Without You
84. '' That First Seed ''
85. '' Afterwards, In Glory They'll Bask ''
86. Were All, One And The Same
87. '' He's No More Than, A Coward ''
88. With Reality, They Refuse To Comply
89. '' Your Talent Has Just Taken A Rest ''
90. '' It's Autocracy, In All Of It's Glory ''
91. '' Truss And Kwarteng Are Blind ''
92. '' The Meaning Of, Erudition ''
93. '' One Of A Kind ''
94. '' Hindsight, Doesn't Exist ''
95. '' It's Our Wealth They;re Thieving ''
96. '' They Cannot Get Rich, Without You ''
97. '' Let The Battle Ensue ''
98. '' To Get Rich, There's A Back Stabbing Queue ''
99. '' Why Do We Accept This Oppression ''
100. '' I Can't Stop, The Ravages Of Time ''
101. '' I'm Free ''
102. '' AND HOW ''
103. '' Specific To You ''
104. '' Politicians Are Blind ''
105. '' For Those, Who Take Us For A Ride ''
106. '' Without Others, I Wouldn't Be Here ''
107. '' Eternity To Me, Means Forever ''
108. '' Just An Ordinary Guy ''
109. '' The World Will Spiral Out Of Control ''
110. '' And How ''
111. '' From The Heart ''
112. For Misogyny, There Is No Defence
113. '' At Least, You Can Try ''
114. '' We're All Being Conned ''
115. '' Because, None Of Them Fight ''
116. '' They Are Treating Us All Like Fools ''
117. '' The End ''
118. '' Our Worst Nightmare, Is About To Come True ''
119. '' Their Leader's The One Who's A Nazi ''
120. '' They're Afraid, To Go Back ''
121. '' Humanity Will Now Disappear ''
122. '' On The Outside, No Part Of It Is Mine ''
123. Have The Lessons From Our Past, Been Lost
124. '' By Us ''
125. '' Become Royal ''
126. '' In Our Universe You Are Detested ''
127. '' You Will End Up Dead ''
128. '' To Retrieve Us We'll Insist On A Fee ''
129. '' Why Are You Living ''
130. '' No Parties Ever Took Place ''
131. '' A World Without War ''
132. '' We Do Love Confusion ''
133. '' Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction ''
134. '' My Desire, To Write Me A Sequel ''
135. '' You'll Have Made My Life Worthwhile ''
136. '' A Mind Of, Your Own ''
137. '' You're But A Branch On A very Large Tree ''
138. '' Early Release ''
139. '' There's A Straight Road Ahead ''
140. '' Terror In Motion ''
141. '' You're A One Of A Kind Human Being ''
142. '' Only Those Intelligent Would Know ''
143. '' What Colour Am I ''
144. '' When Dead, They Will Never Renew ''
145. '' Forget Those Holier Than Thou ''
146. '' The Freedom, You Now Take For Granted ''
147. '' The Sanctity Of Life, We've Forsaken ''
148. '' We Do Not Have The Will ''
149. '' That Truth Was Never In Doubt ''
150. '' We Know It Will All End In Tears ''
151. '' Coward ''
152. '' Ground Zero ''
153. '' That's Why, The Believe We're All Dumb ''
154. '' The Art Of Positive Reaction ''
155. '' Could It Be, That Religion's A Lie ''
156. '' The Truth Will Finally Have Dawned ''
157. '' From Laughing I Cannot Refrain ''
158. '' Are Routine ''
159. '' We All Adopt Change ''
160. '' There's None Of Them, Better Than You ''
161. '' The End Of Your Days ''
162. '' The Answer To That, Lies With You ''
163. '' Do It Today ''
164. '' YOU ''
165. '' Your Own Opinion ''
166. '' I've Been Granted Salvation ''
167. '' We Cannot Lose ''
168. '' Truth Gets Lost In Translation ''
169. '' They'll Eat Me When I Die ''
170. '' With Living, You Must Have A Rapport ''
171. '' To Us, The Younger Generation ''
172. '' Us, They Shouldn't Need To Implore ''
173. '' The Critic Must Always Be Faced '
174. '' It's A Business Endeavour ''
175. '' Enough Is Enough ''
176. '' As Our Neighbours, Invoke Retribution ''
177. '' You Are On Your Way Out ''
178. '' Respect Is What Their Work Commands ''
179. '' For Free ''
180. '' Watch Where You Tread ''
181. '' You'll Finally Meet Your Creator ''
182. '' Come Clean ''
183. '' They're Rich, While We're In Arrears ''
184. '' Vast Riches, Does Not Sustain Life ''
185. '' What We Have, We Need To Embrace ''
186. '' You Know How To Win ''
187. '' Guardian Angels Do Exist ''
188. '' Treat Time As Your Friend ''
189. '' The Mind Of A Woman ''
190. No-one Has Ever Came Back ''
191. '' I've Met Up With God ''
192. '' You're Talent, Has Just Taken A Rest ''
193. '' They Personify ''
194. ''He Is Laughing At You ''
195. '' They Were Dead ''
196. '' Yet Still, You Remain In Denial ''
197. '' Your Promised Land ''
198. '' You're Jailed, Guess Who's Running Free ''
199. '' Trump Has Been Deselected ''
200. '' Is Your Treasure ''
201. '' Let No-one Put You Asunder ''
202. '' Our Excuses, No Longer Hold Sway ''
203. '' When Each Threat Comes Back On You Thrice ''
204. '' We'll All Be As One ''
205. '' They're A Special Reserve ''
206. '' Deep Space ''
207. '' I Won't Do Time ''
208. '' That Would Be So Unforgiving ''
209. '' I'm A Loser ''
210. '' Your End Is In Sight ''
211. '' When They're Finished ''
212. '' You've Got To Believe ''
213. Youre Where Hatred Cannot Be Traced
214. '' My Writers Block ''
215. '' This Turkey Will Be Granted, A Pardon ''
216. '' Say Adieu ''
217. '' Immortality, I'm Afraid Can't Be Bought ''
218. '' With All Our Comrades Who Fell ''
219. '' FAKE ''
220. '' A Lame Duck ......d
221. '' It Never Existed ''
222. '' Let Equality For All Be Proclaimed ''
223. '' There's Influence In Your Written Word ''
224. '' No Doubt ''
225. '' The End Of Our Days ''
226. '' Our Favourite Songs ''
227. '' The Ultimate Pseud ''
228. '' You Are, The Coward ''
229. '' A Resurrection ''
230. '' It's Yourself You Need To Impress ''
231. '' There's Nothing That Women Don't Know ''
232. '' One And The Same ''
233. '' It's Such A Joy To Write ''
234. '' Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics ''
235. '' Believe Me, You'll Thrive ''
236. '' Without Us, They'd Die ''
237. '' An Incompetent B.....d
238. '' Money Can't Beat, The Ravages Of Time ''
239. '' I Know ''
240. '' Your Future Is Bright ''
241. '' That Angel Set My Soul Free ''
242. '' Hear Our Views ''
243. '' Who Won, Don't Guess ''
244. '' We Belong In The Past ''
245. '' Now We Make Our Own Selections ''
246. '' That Talent You Have Will Appeal ''
247. '' Sympathy Is Rationed ''
248. '' That Truth, Gets Lost In Translation ''
249. '' I Won't Grieve ''
250. '' Like Scars, They Just Fade ''
251. '' Before We See The Calm ''
252. '' The Outcome Will Be Emphatic ''
253. '' Exactly Like Us ''
254. '' We Cannot Reproduce ''
255. '' All Equal, Bar None ''
256. '' To Her Memory, I'll Forever Stay True ''
257. '' That Somewhere There Is A Solution ''
258. '' Enhancements Can Make You Look Riven ''
259. '' We're Just Scared To Die ''
260. '' Yet You Still Remain In Denial ''
261. '' It's Yourself You're Denying ''
262. '' Start Praying ''
263. '' One Law For Them And Another, For Us
264. '' They'll Take Our Last Breath ''
265. '' To Tear Each Other Apart ''
266. '' It's Why You Are Here ''
267. '' Blind Faith Is A Dangerous Game ''
268. '' They're In Total Control ''
269. '' The Indefensible You Cannot Defend ''
270. '' You Will Not Be Bled ''
271. '' Sympathy Is Rationed ''
272. '' God's Domain ''
273. '' To This Virus, No-one's A Stranger ''
274. '' Experience Like That Can't Be Bought ''
275. '' Why Do They Plot Their Own Death ''
276. '' Every Boy, Girl, Woman And Man ''
277. '' This Is Me ''
278. '' To Those, Who Are Living ''
279. '' They Will Abuse ''
280. '' Now I'm Flush, With Toilet Roll ''
281. '' The Truth This Smothers ''
282. '' It's Time To Feel, Ill At Ease ''
283. '' I Was Never Religious ''
284. '' I'm Living A Life Without Hope ''
285. '' We All Bleed Red ''
286. '' Make Living, A Joyous Affair ''
287. '' We Can't Live In Peace ''
288. '' We Never Stop Learning ''
289. '' Even When Wrong, They Are Right ''
290. '' It's Autocracy, In All Of Its Glory ''
291. '' My Valentine ''
292. '' They're A Pair ''
293. '' As Did Those, Who Gave Me The Chance ''
294. '' The Colour Of My Face ''
295. '' To The Depths Of Hell I Will Crawl ''
296. That Talent You Have, Will Appeal
297. '' My Free Will ''
298. '' A Nom De Plume ''
299. '' As Together We Build A New Lair ''
300. '' Humankind Is Finished '''
301. '' Bring Them Here ''
302. '' He Doesn't Know The Meaning Of Shame ''
303. '' Let Wisdom Be Your Guide ''
304. '' We Murdered Our Creator ''
305. '' Life In The Past ''
306. '' Being Royal, Can Be Such A Chore ''
307. '' Your Legacy No One Will Forget ''
308. '' Each Day We Hit A New Low ''
309. '' They Are Being Attacked ''
310. '' I'm Loved For Ever More ''
311. '' Asleep, In A Chair ''
312. '' Not Even God Will Forgive ''
313. '' The Human, Had Finally Been Forsaken ''
314. '' The Human Is Now, But A Snack ''
315. '' Neither Of Our Friends Can Be Seen ''
316. '' I'm Distraught ''
317. '' I'd Hang You All If I Could ''
318. '' If It Happens Again You're Prepared ''
319. '' Lies With You ''
320. '' Don't Live A Life Of Regret ''
321. '' Experience Like That Can't Be Bought ''
322. '' It's Yours, For The Taking ''
323. '' I'm Dead ''
324. '' To Succeed ''
325. '' Or Just Too Much Blow ''
326. '' Please Resist The Temptation ''
327. '' As, With Strength You Become Endowed ''
328. '' The Kingdom Of Heaven ''
329. '' Persevere ''
330. '' Get Lost ''
331. '' The Humans Are Dead ''
332. '' No Doubt ''
333. '' Yes You Can ''
334. '' You Gave Us No Choice ''
335. '' They Departed Feeling Unwanted ''
336. '' The Consequences, Can And Will Be Severe ''
337. '' That Is, The Reason You Write ''
338. '' Connect With Your Mind ''
339. '' Karma Can Be So Hard To Swallow ''
340. '' Not Even God Will Forgive ''
341. '' None Know, The Meaning Of Shame ''
342. '' Nature's Wrath ''
343. '' It Shows You've A Heart And A Soul ''
344. '' The Road To Perdition ''
345. '' Respect Is A Gift I Must Earn ''
346. '' Dying Is Not That Dire ''
347. '' To Return Us To Where We Were Born ''
348. '' Now Is A Good Time To Start ''
349. '' I Turned Life Upside Down ''
350. '' You Are The One True Dog ''
351. '' To You ''
352. '' No Amount Of Cash Can Buy God ''
353. '' There's A Lot Those Aliens Could Teach ''
354. '' The Ability To Forgive ''
355. '' Are We Really That Blind ''
356. '' Earth ''
357. '' Our Future Is Now ''
358. '' The Fact They'll Die Rich ''
359. '' Brexit ''
360. '' Adopt Change As Your Passion ''
361. '' Fake, Fake, Fake ''
362. '' The Saviour Will Never Come Back ''
363. '' The Miracle Of Life ''
364. '' Yet We Don't Want To Die ''
365. '' They Profess ''
366. '' Will Make You Rejoice ''
367. '' The Earth's Future Is Bright ''
368. '' Hysteria In Motion ''
369. '' How Much Truth We Can Take ''
370. '' Luck Plays No Part ''
371. '' Do Let Your Talent Shine Through ''
372. '' Mistakes They Need Never Regret ''
373. '' We Are One And The Same ''
374. '' We Won't Share ''
375. '' Humans Lie Through Their Teeth ''
376. '' Have A Guess ''
377. '' Yet Still, We Ignore What Is Fact ''
378. '' Live Life Without Any Pretension ''
379. '' You Won't Find Out, Till You Die ''
380. '' The Miracle Of Life ''
381. '' Money Can't Beat The Ravages Of Time ''
382. '' Tomorrow She May Not Be There ''
383. '' Armageddon Is Here ''
384. '' Treat Your Life As Divine ''
385. '' The Electorate Are Being Deceived ''
386. '' For Madness They Have A Flair ''
387. '' By Idiots Were Ruled ''
388. '' Mother Nature's At The End Of Her Tether ''
389. '' The Truth Will Eventually Come Out ''
390. '' Let's Make Our Dreams Come True ''
391. '' We'll All Be As One ''
392. '' The Impossible Dream ''
393. '' If They're Anything Like Us ''
394. '' A Terminal Disease ''
395. '' It's The Cull They Prefer ''
396. '' It's Then We Find God ''
397. '' Our Attitude Breeds Others Behaviour ''
398. '' Gods Need To Beware ''
399. '' The Art Of Creation ''
400. '' Your Thoughts Are What Keep Them Living ''
401. '' Uplifting ''
402. '' Our World Is Full Of Surprises ''
403. '' Our Contract Will Now Face Rescission ''
404. '' Exploit Your Imagination ''
405. '' You're Blessed ''
406. '' My Life's Not Worth Living ''
407. '' Capitalism Means To Abuse ''
408. '' I Would Love To Be Your Politician ''
409. '' I Would Love To Be Your Politician ''
410. '' You've Gone Grey ''
411. '' It's A Case Of, When Not If ''
412. '' We Demand Equal Rights ''
413. '' We Demand Equal Rights ''
414. '' Let Nothing Else Distract ''
415. '' Can Bring Peace And Hope To Your Viewers
416. '' Politicians Are The Scourge Of Mankind ''
417. '' Politicians Are The Scourge Of Mankind ''
418. '' Do Share ''
419. '' Do Share ''
420. '' Do Share ''
421. '' If Anyone's Leaving, It's Us ''
422. '' I Feel Nothing Within ''
423. '' You'll Have No Fear Of The End ''
424. '' You'll Have No Fear Of The End ''
425. '' The Aliens Were Dense ''
426. '' Intelligence Is A Word We Defame ''
427. '' Intelligence Is A Word We Defame ''
428. '' Intelligence Is A Word We Defame ''
429. '' Do Give It Thought ''
430. '' Do Not Love Thy Neighbour ''
431. '' My Victim's Turned Into A Ghost ''
432. '' Have A Mind Of Your Own ''
433. '' Vanity Can Make You Look Riven ''
434. '' America Is Great ''
435. '' This Was Written In Heaven ''
436. '' Who Conceives To Destroy ''
437. '' These Inventors Defame ''
438. '' As The Earth They Devour ''
439. '' Regret ''
440. '' We'd Find Another Excuse ''
441. '' What Have You Given Life ''
442. '' Like Me Decompose ''
443. '' Who Is To Blame ''
444. '' There's Nothing Left To Take Back ''
445. '' We're Knee Deep In Frauds ''
446. '' Rich Versus Poor ''
447. '' Use Your Words To Light up A Life ''
448. '' Forever I'll Be By Your Side ''
449. '' None Were Worthy Of Redemption ''
450. '' It Inspires Good Living ''
451. '' Deceased ''
452. '' Prime Directive ''
453. '' Just God ''
454. '' You'll Die Old And Alone ''
455. '' Which One Are You ''
456. '' Live With The Strife ''
457. '' Your Masterpiece Awaits ''
458. '' You've Failed The Test ''
459. '' They'd Even Rob Their Own Mother ''
460. '' You Are Just Passing Through ''
461. '' We Are One And The Same ''
462. '' Your Gorgeous Within And Without ''
463. '' They Will Not Hang Around ''
464. '' Others Will Now Look After You ''
465. '' Don't Falter ''
466. '' Persevere ''
467. '' Capitalism Is Bad For Our Health ''
468. '' You're Still All That Matters ''
469. '' Why They Came Here ''
470. '' Ruled By Fear ''
471. '' The One We Call Woman ''
472. '' You'll Be Walking On Air ''
473. '' We've A Meeting With Death ''
474. '' The Caring Sharing Human Was A Fraud ''
475. '' You Want To Be Paired ''
476. '' You Are Unique ''
477. '' To Forgive Isn't Divine ''
478. '' You Achieve Your Dreams ''
479. '' As They Rip Me Apart ''
480. '' A.M. You Forgot To Add ''
481. We Rely On Our Faith
482. '' Is The Beginning The End ''
483. '' The Earth Is Once Again Whole ''
484. '' Death Is Our Reason For Living ''
485. '' Do Not Be Denied ''
486. '' As One Is Where We Belong ''
487. '' It's The Cull They Prefer ''
488. '' Mutual Respect ''
489. '' We Know Who You Are ''
490. '' A Caring compassionate Being ''
491. '' Their Memory Is Cast ''
492. '' Now Is Too Late ''
493. '' Imagination ''
494. '' Your Excuses Are Now Wearing Thin ''
495. '' It's Not If, But When ''
496. '' Where There's A Will There's A Way ''
497. '' There's A World Out There ''
498. '' Mum Was Our Saviour ''
499. '' It's What You Achieved In Between ''
500. '' I'm Dying ''
501. '' To Help Someone In Need ''
502. '' You Have Total Control ''
503. It Is She Who Holds All The Clout
504. '' Is How We're Designed ''
505. '' Decompose ''
506. '' Justice And Equality For All ''
507. '' Guilty As Charged ''
508. '' To Remain In Control ''
509. '' All Over The Earth ''
510. '' A Broken Heart Mends ''
511. '' The Human Lives To Deceive ''
512. '' Humans Are Filled With Pretension ''
513. '' IF ''
514. '' Can And Does Bemuse ''
515. '' Our Inheritors Aren't Meek ''
516. '' If Only You'd Stuck To The Truth ''
517. '' The End ''
518. '' We Demand Equal Rights ''
519. '' The Plagiarist Doesn't Care ''
520. '' Our Species We Could Yet Resurrect ''
521. '' I Was Honest And True ''
522. '' The Earth's Future Looks Bright ''
523. '' Isn't There ''
524. '' A Happy New Year ''
525. '' Co-operation And Love Reassures ''
526. '' Christmas Dinner ''
527. '' There Is Life After Death ''
528. '' True Beauty Comes From Within ''
529. '' The Birth Of The Saviour ''
530. '' Just Past ''
531. '' Regardless Of Colour Or Creed ''
532. '' They Allowed Us To Live ''
533. '' It's Dangerous Only When Loaded ''
534. '' That Wisdom Will Keep You On Track ''
535. '' The Artist Is You ''
536. '' It's Called Evolution ''
537. '' We Live And We Die ''
538. '' Goes On Year On Year ''
539. '' You Believe I've Been Snide ''
540. '' It's Yourself You're Denying ''
541. '' To Live This Existence ''
542. '' We Have The Means ''
543. '' Human Doctrine's A Con ''
544. '' Is He Guilty Of Treason ''
545. '' It's Because We Refuse To Fight Back ''
546. '' Without Other Life Forms They Die ''
547. '' Seek And You'll Find The Solution ''
548. '' Everyone Tells Lies ''
549. '' They're Dangerous This Pair Of Nutters ''
550. '' Our Free Will We Need To Protect ''
551. '' It Tells The Same Time ''
552. '' The Second Big Bang ''
553. '' The Afterlife Is Real ''
554. '' Their Will Be No Resurrection ''
555. '' FAKE ''
556. '' She's Now Knee Deep In Brown ''
557. Anticipation, Is What Gives Me Pleasure
558. '' You Are But A Statistic ''
559. '' It's Yourself You Deceive ''
560. '' There Is Nothing To Forgive ''
561. '' Greed ''
562. '' Your Conscience Will Win ''
563. '' They're Not The Ones Who Fight ''
564. '' You'll Never Please Them All ''
565. '' It's The Best Laugh I've Had In Years ''
566. '' What We Actually Believe ''
567. '' The Ravages Of Time ''
568. '' The Spirits Are Alive And Well ''
569. '' You Will Now Disappear ''
570. '' It's Goodbye To The Human Race ''
571. '' Your Measure Is Persistence ''
572. '' To Reality Cowards Are Blind ''
573. '' Leaves Most Of Us Cold ''
574. '' Mum And Dad ''
575. '' The Human's No More ''
576. '' Doesn't Time Fly ''
577. '' A Man Made Illusion ''
578. '' It's Surreal ''
579. '' Yes You Have That Power ''
580. '' Are One And The Same ''
581. '' The Sick Politician ''
582. '' You're No Longer Living ''
583. '' It's Called Living ''
584. '' Their Future Is Ours To Pursue ''
585. '' Nothing More Nothing Less ''
586. '' What Can Be Achieved ''
587. '' They Were More Talented Than Us ''
588. '' Negativity Then Disappears ''
589. '' Living In The Past ''
590. '' The Wife Or The Mother ''
591. '' He Was Destitute But Brave ''
592. '' Only You Can Instill ''
593. '' We Hold The Key ''
594. '' Those Passed Still Thrive ''
595. ''Was God Ever Alive ''
596. '' They'll Continue Dealing In Shame ''
597. '' As One We'll Make It Right ''
598. '' We Will Not Be Forgiven ''
599. '' Nothing Has Changed ''
600. '' I'm Talking To Me ''
601. '' This Is Mine ''
602. '' Eternity Lasts Forever ''
603. '' No Appeal ''
604. '' You've Got To Ask Who's Daft ''
605. '' You've Got To Be Rotten ''
606. '' Both Are Mismatched ''
607. '' I'm Off To Get Plastered ''
608. '' I'd Love To Be Your Politician ''
609. '' They Don't Ever Change ''
610. '' The Truth's Here, Not Out There ''
611. '' You Blaspheme Your Lord ''
612. '' I'll Forever Be Single ''
613. '' What's For You Will Not Pass You By ''
614. '' Unique ''
615. '' To Make That Admission ''
616. '' I'm Talking To Me ''
617. '' The Pressures Of Writing Are Profound ''
618. '' That Could Well Be Insanity ''
619. '' That's Really Scary ''
620. '' He Who Must Be Obeyed ''
621. '' They All Died ''
622. '' Good Passes Us By ''
623. '' Remaining Concealed ''
624. '' Unaware ''
625. '' We'll End Up In A Mess ''
626. '' They're Superior To Us ''
627. '' So Don't Even Try ''
628. '' The Civilised One ''
629. '' After You Meet Your Demise ''
630. '' They're On The Verge Of Extinction ''
631. '' Just Ask ''
632. '' It's Your Pockets They Love Relieving ''
633. '' It's Yourself You've Deceived ''
634. '' Do You Drive A Rolls Royce ''
635. '' It's We Who Must Be Obeyed ''
636. '' Why Do We Venerate The Rich ''
637. '' I'm Now Doing Time ''
638. '' No Ending's In Sight ''
639. '' It's Mum And Dad ''
640. '' Here On Earth ''
641. '' It Will Now Self Destruct ''
642. '' Time To Pray ''
643. '' You've Left Me Without Any Name ''
644. '' That's Why The Humans Have Gone ''
645. '' When You Die ''
646. '' Part Of Our Past ''
647. '' Never Be Filled With Regret ''
648. '' For Soon You'll Be Gone ''
649. '' I'd Rather Not Go ''
650. '' Left Feeling Dire ''
651. '' Our Differences Are Too Far Apart ''
652. '' As I Enter Those Pearly Gates ''
653. '' Open Your Eyes ''
654. '' Only I Hold All The Cures ''
655. '' In The Presence Of Someone So Cruel ''
656. '' Until It's Time To Go To The Polls ''
657. '' They'll Never Get You ''
658. '' For You They'll Shed Genuine Tears ''
659. '' I'm Afraid To Reveal ''
660. '' As We Treat Vermin ''
661. '' Lest It Makes You Blind ''
662. '' It's You ''
663. '' Face The Facts, You Are Finished ''
664. '' Death Can Be So Unforgiving ''
665. '' Is Wrong, It's Uncouth ''
666. '' The Pussy Wields Power ''
667. '' Let Them Earn Their Bread ''
668. '' '' Here On Earth ''
669. '' Don't Wish It Away ''
670. '' For Our Survival We Need To Prepare ''
671. '' Relieved It Was All But A Dream ''
672. '' You're In The Know ''
673. ''There Is No Going Back ''
674. '' FAILED ''
675. '' If These Sins You Condone ''
676. '' In The World's Septic Tank ''
677. '' Your President Is Nothing Without You ''
678. '' When Species Collide ''
679. '' My Coffins Are Used ''
680. '' Will Make You Feel Divine ''
681. '' Is Your Mission ''
682. '' Didn't Last Long ''
683. '' Was A Fox ''
684. '' The End Of Our Days ''
685. '' It Is That Time Of Year ''
686. '' That's Why It's You Who Must Die ''
687. '' Death Could Be But A Transition ''
688. '' Of What Lies Deep Within ''
689. '' Out Here ''
690. '' Then With Cheat They're Labelled ''
691. '' Organ Donation ''
692. '' In Their Fold You're Controlled ''
693. '' Life After Death ''
694. '' I Failed To Predict My Own Death ''
695. '' His Secret's Safe With Me ''
696. '' It Will Cause A Stock Market Crash ''
697. '' That They Cannot See ''
698. '' That They Cannot See ''
699. '' Life Never Ends ''
700. '' But A Charade ''
701. '' Where Your Soul Will Berth ''
702. '' We're The Problem Not The Solution ''
703. '' There Is No Going Back ''
704. '' Isn't Grave Robbing Classed As A Crime ''
705. '' Will Keep Your Life In Perspective ''
706. '' You've Got To Fight Back ''
707. '' I'm Not Coming Back ''
708. '' Poetry Can Be Surreal ''
709. '' Who Fires First ''
710. '' My Reason For Living ''
711. '' What They Have Vowed ''
712. '' I Can Only Pray He'll Agree ''
713. '' The Berlin Wall ''
714. '' You Could Well Be Their Saviour ''
715. '' She Doesn't Talk Or Spend ''
716. '' Why Not Do It Today ''
717. '' A Game's Being Played ''
718. '' Just Be Very Afraid ''
719. '' You Can't Guarantee A Tomorrow ''
720. '' It's Simply Called Love ''
721. '' The Fact You're Unique ''
722. '' There's Nothingness On Show ''
723. '' He Refuses To Heed ''
724. '' For Forgiveness They Have A Flair ''
725. '' As They Suffer On Their Own ''
726. '' Do Better Without ''
727. '' Do Let It All Out ''
728. '' She'll Make No Distinction ''
729. '' A Special Reserve ''
730. '' From This Life I'll Now Depart ''
731. '' It's Paid For By You ''
732. '' They Started The Third World War ''
733. '' Let Nothing Stand In Your Way ''
734. '' I Disown ''
735. '' Unless By Us They Are Backed ''
736. '' That I Cannot See ''
737. '' How Will I Know ''
738. '' Who You Are Is Unique ''
739. '' That My Friends Is My Fate ''
740. '' Their Own Needs They'll Serve ''
741. '' Make Failure Your New Beginning ''
742. '' The Human Is Blind ''
743. '' To Write From The Heart ''
744. '' There Is No Measure ''
745. '' Exiled To Space In Your Rockets ''
746. '' Rotten To The Core ''
747. '' I Was Paranoid ''
748. '' Is Such A Wonderful Creation ''
749. ''Are Exactly The Same ''
750. Whats Without Isnt Always Within
751. '' Enjoy ''
752. Every Problem Has A Resolution
753. '' Their Is No Substitution ''
754. '' We Burn ''
755. '' Words Leave A Lasting Impression ''
756. '' You'll Cherish That New Day ''
757. '' One's Royalty Needs Sleep ''
758. '' You Are One Of Life's Pioneers ''
759. '' Lifestyle Thief ''
760. '' That's What We Are Now ''
761. '' Has Given His Blessing ''
762. '' Behind You There's A Very Long Queue ''
763. '' You Have To Defend ''
764. '' Not Out ''
765. '' Lest We Die ''
766. '' We All End Up Dead ''
767. '' We All Have Within ''
768. '' The Universe Conceals ''
769. '' They Both Want Your Soul ''
770. '' I'm Small I Surrender, I'm Weak ''
771. '' I'm Dead ''
772. '' What's Past Can Never Be Altered ''
773. '' Now It's Me They're Going To Delete ''
774. '' Don't Let Any one Ruin Your Verse ''
775. '' By Sending them Back ''
776. '' For Being Alive ''
777. '' Lies With You ''
778. '' Justice Will Prevail ''
779. '' From Birth Till The End ''
780. '' Can You Smell Their Fear ''
781. '' We Humans Are Mad ''
782. '' Non Stick Politician ''
783. '' That's Truth Not A Lie ''
784. '' On A Planet That's Dead ''
785. '' Inside Your Head ''
786. '' How Could We Let Them Perish ''
787. '' They Never Die By The Gun Or The Sword ''
788. '' I'm Finished Before I've Begun ''
789. '' You're Much More Than A Friend ''
790. '' In My Heart I Believe I've Did Well ''
791. '' Please Duck ''
792. '' Great Britain Will Glisten ''
793. '' Say Adieu ''
794. '' They Are Obese ''
795. '' Deadbeat Dad ''
796. '' Our Great Country Can Stand On Its Own ''
797. '' What's Past Can Never Be Altered ''
798. '' You Do Not Exist ''
799. '' What A Find ''
800. '' Do Try To Persevere ''
801. '' Things Can Only Get Better ''
802. '' That My Friends Is Obscene ''
803. '' Your Greed ''
804. '' Why Not You ''
805. '' The Next Generation ''
806. '' '' You've Got To Ask, Who's Daft ''
807. '' None Of Us Knew Right From Wrong ''
808. '' Hide The Grey ''
809. '' A Woman ''
810. '' Why Did I Ever Get Married ''
811. '' You'll Be Overcome By Charm ''
812. '' You Are Still Filled With Hate ''
813. '' The Victim Was Me ''
814. '' We've An Abundance Of Food ''
815. '' You'll Wish You'd Resisted Temptation ''.
816. '' When And Where ''
817. '' You Must Have The Will ''
818. '' We'll Inherit The Earth ''
819. '' To Show Appreciation ''
820. '' Tell Me I'm Wrong If You Dare ''
821. '' You Enjoy What You Do ''
822. '' Don't Even Ask ''
823. '' We'll Portray It As Fiction ''
824. '' Make My Own Choice ''
825. Each Generation Has Its Troubles To Seek
826. '' All Alone Is Your Fate ''
827. '' What Don't They Know ''
828. '' You Must Vote Yes ''
829. '' They Will Commend ''
830. '' We'll Create An Incurable Disease ''
831. '' I'm Fried ''
832. '' That's Another Spring Clean ''
833. '' The Sun Mustn't Set ''
834. '' The Alternative Is Death ''
835. '' They'll Make Us Disappear ''
836. '' You're But One Of Life's Pioneers ''
837. '' One Day You'll Be Beckoned ''
838. '' Cash Rich But Bloody Dead ''
839. '' They're The Best Of Friends ''
840. '' Their Creations Spiral Out Of Control ''
841. '' The Pen Is Your Sword ''
842. '' Which One Mirrors Your Reflection ''
843. '' Your Conscience Will Win ''
844. '' While You're Here ''
845. '' No Pain No Gain ''
846. '' Fight Fire With Fire ''
847. '' Invisible Ink ''
848. '' Now We're Scared To Go Back ''
849. '' Without Even A Moan ''
850. '' My Abilities Have Been Restored ''
851. '' Our Future We Have Forsaken ''
852. '' With Satan They're One And The Same ''
853. '' You'll Get What You're Due ''
854. '' You're Here ''
855. '' They Believe They Are Gods ''
856. '' The Coward ''
857. '' There's None Of Them Cared ''
858. '' Believe Me You'll Win ''
859. '' You're Forever In Our Hearts ''
860. '' Now I'm Heavily Into Repression ''
861. '' Therein Lies The Greatest Danger ''
862. '' Critic Or Writer ''
863. '' The Scourge Of Depression ''
864. '' You Just Cannot Win ''
865. '' The Universe So Vast ''
866. '' You Cannot Comprehend ''
867. '' You Will Find Contentment ''
868. '' You Are The Creator ''
869. '' When It's Your Time To Leave ''
870. '' The World Will Applaud ''
871. '' Will Come At A Cost ''
872. '' Nothing But Fiction ''
873. '' Now That The Humans Have Died ''
874. '' The Common Thief ''
875. '' Take Care ''
876. '' Sympathy For Us Is Rare ''
877. '' The Truth Is Out There ''
878. '' Our Enemies Did Exactly The Same ''
879. '' You Have Now Been Deserted ''
880. '' I'd Much Rather Be Young Than Old ''
881. '' Enjoy Your Time Here ''
882. '' Peace In Our Time ''
883. '' A Star Is Born ''
884. '' Entrepreneur ''
885. '' That Way We Never Get Caught ''
886. '' Be Scared ''
887. '' Will Make Life Worth Living ''
888. '' Should Be Classed As A Crime ''
889. '' On Perfection You Cannot Improve ''
890. '' In Ourselves We've Got To Believe ''
891. '' What Is Theirs ''
892. '' They'll Always Come First ''
893. '' Your Art Is Unique ''
894. '' The Story Of Your Life ''
895. '' You Get But One Chance ''
896. '' The Final Solution ''
897. '' The Art Of Survival ''
898. '' That Spirit We All Have Within ''
899. '' Bullying Is Both Low And Uncouth ''
900. '' Be Prepared For My Return ''
901. '' The Word Of Our Lord ''
902. '' Life Can Be Sublime ''
903. '' It's Our Time They Waste ''
904. '' You Died Legal ''
905. '' As Over The Spirits I'll Rule ''
906. '' Don't Wait Till Reality Bites ''
907. '' Being Pronounced As A Fraud ''
908. '' In Loving Memory Of My Poor Teeth ''
909. '' There's No Such Thing As Perfection ''
910. '' The Chance To Rejoice ''
911. '' You Died Filthy Rich ''
912. '' It Will Not Be A First ''
913. '' I'm Truly The Master ''
914. '' All Knowing ''
915. '' You Won't See Me There ''
916. '' Love It While You're Here ''
917. '' Never Dwell On The Past ''
918. Were Not All We Appear
919. '' May It Fill You Up With Delight ''
920. '' They Are Truly From An Alien Race ''
921. '' To Elsewhere I've Been Assigned ''
922. '' It Will Drive You Insane ''
923. '' We Have Stripped The Planet Earth Bare ''
924. '' You're Not Wanted ''
925. '' Affairs Are So Unforgiving ''
926. '' Human Beings The Name ''
927. '' Those Who Are Left In Despair ''
928. '' It's A Battle That Cannot Be Won ''
929. '' Will Come Back But Thrice ''
930. '' The Universe Is Alive And Well ''
931. '' We Give You Our Thanks And Our Praise ''
932. '' Than What's In Our Genes ''
933. '' We Haven't Left At All ''
934. '' You Give Birth To Us Wonderful Men ''
935. '' Heaven Is Real It's Not A Dream ''
936. '' Where We Live Now Is Where We Will Die ''
937. '' I Refuse To Tell ''
938. '' The Last World War ''
939. '' Can You Distinguish Right From Wrong ''
940. '' It's Our Children's Future Not Ours ''
941. '' It's How Life Is Read ''
942. '' Make It Your Reason For Living ''
943. '' You've Just Got One Hour Younger ''
944. '' An Eternal Release ''
945. '' A Gift Without Love ''
946. '' You're Liable To Be Hit By A Motion ''
947. '' I'm A Coward Without My Gun ''
948. '' We'll Be Swallowed And How ''
949. '' Liar Liar ''
950. '' It Is You Who Is Trapped ''
951. '' They Will Never Rest ''
952. '' There's No Need For Wealth ''
953. '' Where We'll Require A Very Large Grave ''
954. '' When They're Wrong We Still Get The Blame ''
955. '' Would You Not Do The Same ''
956. '' Watching Your Cremation ''
957. '' They'll Become Extinct ''
958. '' Now And Forever ''
959. '' That's The Mark Of A Good Politician ''
960. '' Our Worst Fears ''
961. '' My Masterpiece is Flowing ''
962. '' That's Down To Us ''
963. '' The Meek Have Inherited The Earth ''
964. '' We Have No Need For Wealth ''
965. '' We Don't Want To Die ''
966. '' Mother Nature's No Longer Complying ''
967. '' What A Con ''
968. '' That Choice Is All Yours ''
969. '' It's Your Future You Are Commanding ''
970. '' We Die Of Thirst ''
971. '' Citizens Of This Earth ''
972. '' '' Let's Clear Them All From The Shelves ''
973. '' The Planet Will Thrive ''
974. '' Capitalization ''
975. '' A Smile ''
976. '' For A Very Long Nap ''
977. '' The Creator ''
978. '' To Suffer The Flak ''
979. '' As Expected You Refuse To Agree ''
980. '' Goodbye ''
981. '' He's Found Contentment ''
982. '' That Ability Is Yours To Pursue ''
983. '' My Ex Was One Evil Woman ''
984. '' Keep Them Closer Still ''
985. '' Die ''
986. '' Is Without Foundation ''
987. '' Why ''
988. '' I'm Not Really Dying ''
989. '' From Conscience They Are Devoid ''
990. '' Inhumane ''
991. '' We Remain The Working Classes ''
992. '' From Your Past Never Hide ''
993. '' We Face Alien Abduction ''
994. '' More Nonchalant ''
995. '' Time Cannot Be Swayed ''
996. '' Religion Is The Devil In Disguise ''
997. '' The Planet Owns Us ''
998. '' Was Written By Us ''
999. '' Live And Let Live ''
1000. '' Lest I Visit An Early Grave ''
1001. '' Lying There Gathering Dust ''
1002. '' We Have A Vivid Imagination ''
1003. '' Let's Kick Up A Fuss ''
1004. '' You Have Torn Out My Soul ''
1005. '' You Could Well Be A Curse ''
1006. '' When Will We Ever Learn ''
1007. '' It's For Personal Gain ''
1008. '' We Humans Had Stripped Them All Bare ''
1009. '' Only You Can Make It Glisten ''
1010. '' Seven Grand A Year ''
1011. '' Never Say Never ''
1012. '' There's Nobody Knew ''
1013. '' Should Have Been Beheaded ''
1014. '' Do You Know Who I Am ''
1015. '' From Now You Are On Your Own ''
1016. '' At Least Mines Don't Cause Devastation ''
1017. '' It's Off Into Battle We Go ''
1018. '' Their Skeletons Had Lost Their Smiles ''
1019. '' He Was Told I Was Dead ''
1020. '' Entombed In Earths Dust ''
1021. '' You Can Do It Too ''
1022. '' I Am Nothing But A Murdering Bastard ''
1023. '' Space Is Not Your New Frontier ''
1024. '' Or Without Us You'll Die ''
1025. '' To Pay Millions For A Bloody Painting ''
1026. '' It Can Open Many Doors ''
1027. '' From Temptation Make Sure You Desist ''
1028. '' To Love And Be Loved Is Divine ''
1029. '' Nuclear Weaponry Means Death ''
1030. '' Of All That Goes Wrong ''
1031. '' Democracy My Arse ''
1032. '' Only A Sadist Would Not Intervene ''
1033. '' It's All Down To Interpretation ''
1034. '' Life's A Marathon It's Not A Race ''
1035. '' Obey Me Or Die ''
1036. '' Democracy Means To Be Free ''
1037. '' As An Alternative To Oil ''
1038. '' Honesty It Smothers ''
1039. '' The Universe Has You Up For Adoption ''
1040. '' For Us Poor Men ''
1041. '' To Write Without Causing Regret ''
1042. '' Is It You Or Me ''
1043. '' Learning Is What Makes You Strong ''
1044. '' Know The Meaning Of Truth ''
1045. '' I'll Restart My Diet Tomorrow, Again ''
1046. '' So Can I ''
1047. '' We Were The Ultimate Disease ''
1048. '' Do You Talk To Yourself ''
1049. '' Why Fear What You Don't Know ''
1050. '' Chinese Whispers Don't Lie ''
1051. '' Denigrates Our Name ''
1052. '' We Can Have Here ''
1053. '' Water And Whisky Should Not Be Combined ''
1054. '' Being A Man Is Such A Chore ''
1055. '' I Once Got Married ''
1056. '' Interbreeding Is How Humans Were Born ''
1057. '' You Are But A Coward ''
1058. '' You Just Roll Over And Die ''
1059. '' They Are Totally Blind ''
1060. '' After We've Been Elected ''
1061. '' Our Scientists Are Not Very Bright ''
1062. '' I've Made You One Hour Older ''
1063. '' Your Gods Kill More Than A Cancer ''
1064. '' From The Law We Are Immune ''
1065. '' Is All Down To You ''
1066. '' Human Beings Are To Blame ''
1067. '' I Really Don't Care ''
1068. '' As I Now Await Resurrection ''
1069. '' The Gift Of True Love ''
1070. '' Nothing Will Spoil Your View ''
1071. '' To Decide Where We Go ''
1072. '' Eternal Life ''
1073. '' You'll Be Walking On Air ''
1074. '' One Day Will Be You ''
1075. '' Life's Divine ''
1076. '' The Final Outcome Is Death ''
1077. '' It's The Rich Who Will Kick Up A Fuss ''
1078. '' They Should Be Complying ''
1079. '' Complete Devastation ''
1080. '' There's No Limit Of Time ''
1081. '' Seeking Revenge Is So Uncouth ''
1082. '' World Politicians ''
1083. '' The Word Is Your Oyster ''
1084. '' Women Have Us Under Their Spell ''
1085. '' The Whole Concept Of Gods Is A Lie ''
1086. '' The Cowards Are Out In Force ''
1087. '' You Will Lose ''
1088. '' Poetry Is In The Eye Of The Beholder ''
1089. '' We Are Playing The Same Game ''
1090. '' They're A Trick Of The Mind ''
1091. '' Give The Critics A Miss ''
1092. '' From Yourself Never Hide ''
1093. '' Like Gods They Don't Exist ''
1094. '' Your Dad's Not Your Father ''
1095. '' You're Surrounded With Love ''
1096. '' Write Now And Set Your Soul Free ''
1097. '' If You'd Opened Your Eyes ''
1098. '' Our Planet Will Bleed ''
1099. '' You Will Spend Your Eternity In Hell ''
1100. '' That's A Breach Of Our Human Rights ''
1101. '' Don't Let It Dig Your Own Grave ''
1102. '' Have Yourself A Ball ''
1103. '' How Can I Break Free ''
1104. '' They Don't Ever Die ''
1105. '' What's A Recession ''
1106. '' Life And Death ''
1107. '' You Stand Accused ''
1108. '' Correct Twice A Day ''
1109. '' And You Doing Better ''
1110. '' Do Not Get Involved ''
1111. '' Humans In Disguise ''
1112. '' On The Vulnerable I Prey ''
1113. '' Our Ignorance Is Something We'll Rue ''
1114. '' They Cut Off Mobile Communication ''
1115. '' The Words Just Cannot Be Found ''
1116. '' We'll Soon Be As One ''
1117. '' You're Heading Down Below ''
1118. '' Not One Who's Been Reconditioned ''
1119. '' The Devil Just Loves Halloween ''
1120. '' They're Your Imagination ''
1121. '' Reach For The Sky ''
1122. '' They'll Just Grow ''
1123. '' Soon You'll Be Walking On Air ''
1124. '' It's Because We Bow At Their Feet ''
1125. '' My Fantasies Have Finally Been Exposed ''
1126. '' Make Reality Become Your Addiction ''
1127. It's The Innocents And Your God You Betray
1128. '' We No Longer Care ''
1129. '' You'll Just Curl Up And Die ''
1130. '' It's Not Easy Being A Bard ''
1131. '' A Poem Can Be Found ''
1132. '' We Want Control Of Their Oil ''
1133. '' We Decide To Start A Brawl ''
1134. '' You Need Not Be Afraid To Die ''
1135. '' Gods Don't Suffer Blame ''
1136. '' We Will Rise Again ''
1137. '' Your Country Needs You ''
1138. '' Nothing Ever Changes ''
1139. '' War Is Now Classed As A Crime ''
1140. '' We'll Be Better Off Dead ''
1141. '' They Are All In Your Mind ''
1142. '' In Myself I Believed ''
1143. '' It's Barbarism In Everything But Name ''
1144. '' Even Animals Look After Their Own ''
1145. '' There's No Substitution ''
1146. '' Welcome To Hell ''
1147. '' Neighbour's From Hell ''
1148. '' You Are Now One Of The Pack ''
1149. '' What A Beautiful Brussels Sprout ''
1150. '' Soon We Will All Be Dead ''
1151. '' Music Comes From Within ''
1152. '' That's Why We Abandoned Our Caves ''
1153. '' Over Happiness You Will Preside ''
1154. I've Reached The Final Page
1155. '' High And Dry ''
1156. '' How Can You Celebrate A War ''
1157. '' Life Causes Distress ''
1158. '' But You Need To Be Bold ''
1159. '' Only Then Can You Take Me To Task ''
1160. '' Your Lust You Could Not Contain ''
1161. '' Insanity Will Then Be Restored ''
1162. '' You Need To Be Mad ''
1163. '' Which One's The Beast ''
1164. '' You'll Take Life In Your Stride ''
1165. '' The Truth Can Be Hard To Believe ''
1166. '' It Puts A Smile On Everyone's Face ''
1167. '' Be Brave And Open That Door ''
1168. '' You Have Left Us All Distraught ''
1169. '' Don't Let It Be You ''
1170. '' Lest We Forget ''
1171. '' Your Poetry Will Forever Hold Sway ''
1172. '' Only Death Is Forever ''
1173. '' I'm A Literary Entrepreneur ''
1174. '' I't's A Nightmare Mystery Tour ''
1175. '' True Love You Just Have To Declare ''
1176. '' Come Back As A Ghost ''
1177. '' PRAY ''
1178. '' We The Plebs Hold The Power ''
1179. '' Please Help Me Take My Final Breath ''
1180. ''Yet They Say I'm Insane ''
1181. '' It Could Well Be You ''
1182. '' Memories ''
1183. '' One Was Already There ''
1184. '' Religions Are But Pie In The Sky ''
1185. '' You Are Nothing But Fools ''
1186. '' That's Why We've Never Been Back ''
1187. '' Isn't Faith But Hope In Disguise ''
1188. '' A Badge Of Honour Is What They Portray ''
1189. '' They Fiddle While The World Burns ''
1190. '' It's The Doctor That's Mad ''
1191. '' For Death There's No Cure ''
1192. '' Common Sense We Never Applied ''
1193. ' Let's Talk To The Whales ''
1194. '' They Wouldn't Answer Yes Or No ''
1195. '' That Image Is Me ''
1196. '' Sometimes The Plaudits You Must Forego ''
1197. '' Otherwise We Will Lose The Fight ''
1198. '' Your Wisdom Will Continue To Flow ''
1199. '' A Mother Never Forsakes ''
1200. '' That We Are Being Stripped Bare ''
1201. '' Let's Talk To The Whales ''
1202. '' Well That's Up To You ''
1203. '' There's Trouble In Store ''
1204. '' When We Reduce Your Planet To Rubble ''
1205. '' A'll You've Done Is Cause Us Distress ''
1206. '' The Simple Answer Is No ''
1207. '' Remember Now Is Your Time ''
1208. '' The Aliens Learned That To Their Cost ''
1209. '' Our Experiences We Need To Share ''
1210. '' God And Satan Are Just Bizarre ''
1211. '' Politicians Talk Verbal Diahorrea ''
1212. '' It's Our Principles They Betray ''
1213. '' To Go Where No One Has Gone Before ''
1214. '' Life Isn't Always What It Appears ''
1215. '' I'll Show You A Miracle ''
1216. '' I've Slung My Mobile Phone ''
1217. '' Tomorrow You May Still Be Here ''
1218. '' Their Fortunes Will Forever Expand ''
1219. '' Mother Nature We Refused To Placate ''
1220. '' Let's Just Fight Fire With Fire ''
1221. '' To Rise And Be A Nation Again ''
1222. '' Your Title Is Coward ''
1223. '' You'll Be Liked Even Less ''
1224. '' We Know We Are Better Than You ''
1225. '' I'm Bloody Dead ''
1226. '' Cashcon Say That's Tough ''
1227. '' Your Life You Will Reappraise ''
1228. '' Enlisted In Dracula's Undead ''
1229. '' With Reality You Will Reunite ''
1230. '' As Into Zombies We Now Transcend ''
1231. Means To These Planets Well Never Go
1232. '' As A Species You Are Now Obsolete ''
1233. '' You've Become One Of The Chosen Few ''
1234. '' Methinks The Animals Would Rejoice ''
1235. '' They'll Knock On Your Door ''
1236. '' I Alone Hold The Power ''
1237. '' A Stake In Death Is My Fate ''
1238. '' You Can Now Leave The Past Behind ''
1239. '' Your Life You Will Reappraise ''
1240. '' They're No Better Than You ''
1241. '' I Will Never Ignore ''
1242. '' Never Try To Excuse ''
1243. '' They're No Better Off Than Before ''
1244. '' They'd Rather The Disabled Were Dead ''
1245. '' I't's Time To Write The Sequel ''
1246. '' You're Dead ''
1247. '' They're Far Too Precious To Ignore ''
1248. '' I'm The Ultimate Plagirist ''
1249. '' So He Left It All To Me ''
1250. '' It's Cyclists We Need To Beware ''
1251. A Dead Planet Floating In Space
1252. '' You're Welcome To Heaven Or Hell ''
1253. '' Does It Bring Your Soul To Bare ''
1254. '' It Came With A Years M.O.T. ''
1255. '' That Take Your Breath Away ''
1256. '' Then You Ask Why I Get Annoyed ''
1257. '' Don't Ever Be Afraid To See ''
1258. '' It's The Gift Of Strife ''
1259. '' My Eyesight I Need To Restore ''
1260. '' You'll Have Eliminated The Reason To Moan ''
1261. '' With The Afterlife They'll Now Connect ''
1262. '' It's Truly An Emotion I Hate ''
1263. '' Where Hypocrisy Stares You In The Face ''
1264. '' To These Issues They Are Totally Blind ''
1265. '' A More Dangerous Animal We Cannot Recall ''
1266. '' When You Take That Final Breath ''
1267. '' Curiosity Killed Humankind ''
1268. '' Will Make You Feel Warm Inside ''
1269. '' Christmas Is Not About Debt ''
1270. '' I Died Yesterday Instead Of Today ''
1271. '' Please Let It Be ''
1272. '' For The Future You Must Look To The Past ''
1273. '' I'm Only Twenty One ''
1274. '' Drunk In Charge Of Those Deer ''
1275. '' Tomorrow It May Not Be There ''
1276. '' We Men Make A Lovely Display ''
1277. '' Look Closer, I Could Well Be You ''
1278. '' I Know Nothing About Black Or White ''
1279. '' It's Your Earth You Need To Revere ''
1280. '' In Your Abilities You've Got To Believe ''
1281. '' You Will Not Be Made Welcome Here ''
1282. '' He Wished His Life Away ''
1283. '' Nelson Mandela Has Died ''
1284. '' Try Thinking Before You Stare ''
1285. '' Think Of The Misery It Brings ''
1286. '' My God She Looks Really Well ''
1287. '' I'm Afraid There Is No Guarantee ''
1288. '' We Live To Deceive ''
1289. '' From Stoning Nobody Will Die ''
1290. '' Your Masterpece Will Flow ''
1291. '' As I Now Await Resurrection ''
1292. '' Life's Problems Will All Disappear ''
1293. '' Make Sure You Are There''
1294. '' As It's The Image I Now Portray ''
1295. '' That Is The Miracle Of Verse ''
1296. '' Why Do Gods Need Cash ''
1297. '' Our Ability To Communicate Had Died ''
1298. '' Their Takeover We Cannot Forestall ''
1299. '' You Would Not Do The Same ''
1300. '' The Same Thing Could Happen To You ''
1301. '' Our Differences We Could Repair ''
1302. '' We Wear The Poppy With Pride ''
1303. '' Our Future We Will Need To Revise ''
1304. '' Then Evil Will Lead Us Astray ''
1305. '' Honour Among Thieves ''
1306. '' That's The Price Of Living A Lie ''
1307. '' My Efforts To Write Poetry Are Dead ''
1308. '' Why Can't Modern Science Explain ''
1309. '' The Verdict We're Afraid Is Excission ''
1310. '' That Applies To Both Girl And Boy ''
1311. '' It's Into Earths Dust You Will Flow ''
1312. '' They're Now Living The Life Of Riley ''
1313. '' We'll Screw You Till The Day We Die ''
1314. '' That Power Only You Possess ''
1315. '' From Their Charms We Are Not Immune ''
1316. '' As A Species We Are So Inept ''
1317. '' It's Your Future You Have Ultimately Sold ''
1318. '' It's Yourself You Betray ''
1319. '' Short Term Greed Equals Long Term Pain ''
1320. '' As Both Are Buried Underneath ''
1321. '' You Are Truly In The Depths Of Despair ''
1322. '' You Alone Are The Messenger Of Death ''
1323. '' Another Child Will Die ''
1324. '' With Humans They Don't Want To Be Friends ''
1325. Because It's Us Not The Roads That Kill ''
1327. It Will Give You A Lovely Glow ''
1328. It's Rewarding Yet So Unforgiving ''
1329. Talking To Bus Stops Is Not Really That Rare ''
1330. '' I Was Forced To Admit Defeat ''
1331. '' I'm The Wife Of An Alcoholic ''
1332. ' The True Martyrs We Will Proclaim ''
1333. ''A Body Like Yours Must Be Bought '' satire
1334. ''My Cash Flow's Turned In To A Drought ''
1335. ''That's Why We're All Going To Die ''
1336. ''There'll Be Praise As Well As Dissent''
1337. '' All Alien Life Has Expired ''
1338. '' All In Your Mind '' SPIRITUAL
1339. '' All Life Forms Face Dissolution ''
1340. '' All Life Is Life Thats Valid '' HUMOUR
1341. '' All Of Our Differences Could Then Be Addressed ''
1342. '' All Of Them Have Died Of Starvation ''
1343. '' All Other Life Forms Will Then Be Restored '' PLANET EARTH
1344. '' All Your Money Was Left Behind ''
1345. '' All's Fair In Love And War ''
1346. '' An Honest Politician ''
1347. '' An Industrial Estate ''
1348. '' Are Gods Just A Great Work Of Fiction ''
1349. '' Ashes To Ashes ''
1350. '' As A Species You Are Way Too Austere ''
1351. '' As Mad As A Hatter ''
1352. '' As Of Goodness There's An Endless Supply ''
1353. '' As One Very Powerful Deity ''
1354. '' As Our Leaders Must Be Obeyed ''
1355. '' As Our Planet Dies ''
1356. '' As Their Final Breath Is Exhaled ''
1357. '' As They Lay Me In The Ground ''
1358. '' As You're Lowered Into The Ground ''
1359. '' At Last My Life Begins '' divorce
1360. '' A Betrayal Of Our Brave Forces ''
1361. '' A Dirty Greedy Bastard ''
1362. '' A Fellow Human Being ''
1363. '' A Look That's Fastened To The Ground ''
1364. '' A Place In Poetic Folklore Is Ours To Pursue ''
1365. '' A Politician Poor ''
1366. '' A Pre Nup Is Vital '' HUMOUR
1367. '' A Rainbow Coloured God ''
1368. '' A Young Life Being Destroyed ''
1369. '' Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder ''
1370. '' Being A Man Is Such A Chore ''
1371. '' Black or White ''
1372. '' Cameron, The Great Space Ranger, Sorry Cadet ''
1373. '' Contentment Is What You'll Have Found ''
1374. '' Cut Price Bloody Flights '' HUMOUR
1375. '' Death Is Not Goodbye It Is Just Farewell ''
1376. '' Death Is The Beginning It's Not The End ''
1377. '' Defence In To Attack ''
1378. '' Disater Will Be Beckoning Soon ''
1379. '' Does God Really Exist ''
1380. '' Don't Ever Drink And Drive ''
1381. '' Don't Wait Till Tomorrow Do It Today ''
1382. '' Entry To Heaven Can't Be Bought ''
1383. '' Entry To Heaven Will Be Declined ''
1384. '' Equality's What You Need To Pursue ''
1385. '' Eternal Strife Just Fills Me With Dread ''
1386. '' Even Here In Heaven They Cause Strife ''
1387. '' Every One A Hero ''
1388. '' Faith In God You Will Never Subdue ''
1389. '' Fighting Back Is My Proposition ''
1390. '' For Commiting Murder There Is No Defence ''
1391. '' For Killing We Have An Addiction ''
1392. '' For That We All Had To Die ''
1393. '' For Their Backlash I Need To Prepare ''
1394. '' From Birth Till You Die ''
1395. '' Getting Old Can Be So Unkind ''
1396. '' Get A Life ''
1397. '' Gods Create A Great Divide ''
1398. '' God Help You If You Drive ''
1399. '' Good Memories Live Forever ''
1400. '' Go Sling You're Bloody Hook ''
1401. '' Ground Zero Will Rise From The Ashes ''
1402. '' Hard Times ''
1403. '' Hatred Is A Heavy Load ''
1404. '' Have That Special Appeal ''
1405. '' Health And Safety Laws Are A Bloody Farce ''
1406. '' Heaven Is The Final Frontier ''
1407. '' Heaven Or Hell ''
1408. '' Hell's Fire Is What Awaits ''
1409. '' Her Majesty's Prison, Low Moss ''
1410. '' He Has Broken His Bloody Nail ''
1411. '' He Welcomes People Like You ''
1412. '' He Will Ensure Your Soul Is Spared ''
1413. '' He'd Be The Ultimate Dictator ''
1414. '' He'll Forever Wield The Power ''
1415. '' His Mercy Must Now Be Besought ''
1416. '' Hold Your Head High With Pride ''
1417. '' How Could Anyone Be So Cruel ''
1418. '' How I Wish I was A Child ''
1419. '' Humans Are Killers That Is A Fact ''
1420. '' Human Beings Are Deranged ''
1421. '' If Exorcised They Would Never Be Missed ''
1422. '' If Only TheBlind Could See ''
1423. '' If There Is Life After Death ''
1424. '' If You Exist Then This Proves You Don't Care ''
1425. '' If You Send Us There We Are Through ''
1426. '' If ''
1428. '' Intervention Is What Gods Seem To Hate ''
1429. '' In My Furnace You're Eternally Enshrined ''
1430. '' In My Hells Eternal Fire ''
1431. '' In Our Hearts You'll Forever Remain ''
1432. '' In The Blink Of An Eye ''
1433. '' In This Life You Reap What You Sow ''
1434. '' It Certainly Wasn't God ''
1435. '' It Does Not Make You Kill ''
1436. '' IT Is You Not I Who Is Blind ''
1437. '' It Leaves Their Victims Distraught ''
1438. '' It Will Never Be The Same ''
1439. '' It's All Future Life We Betray ''
1440. '' It's Called Imitation ''
1441. '' It's Called Liquidation ''
1442. '' It's Cruel And We Refuse To Comply ''
1443. '' It's Dry We Are Being Bled ''
1444. '' It's Phenomenal Irn Bru ''
1445. '' It's Pure Beef In Everything But Name ''
1446. '' It's The Beginning Not The End ''
1447. '' It's To Tolerance The World Needs To Be Steered ''
1448. '' It's Your Decision ''
1449. '' I Became A Politician '' satire
1450. '' I Begged Her Not To Tell ''
1451. '' I Got Caught ''
1452. '' I Got You Eye Baths As Well ''
1453. '' I Guarantee It Won't Last A Day ''
1454. '' I Have Granted Him Absolution ''
1455. '' I Have Literary Constipation ''
1456. '' I Told You I was ILL ''
1457. '' I Wish I'd Said No ''
1458. '' I'll Be Forced To Fight Back ''
1459. '' I'll Be Heading For An Almighty Fall ''
1460. '' I'll Spend Christmas Alone ''
1461. '' I'm A Euro M.E.P. ''
1462. '' I'm A Regal Parasite ''
1463. '' I'm A Very Old Tree ''
1464. '' I'm Now Playing Solo ''
1465. '' I'm Only Ninety Years Of Age ''
1466. '' I've Been A Dirty Low Down Cheat ''
1467. '' I've Been Condemned To Hell ''
1468. '' I've Had A Talk With God ''
1469. '' I've Lost My Mobile Phone '' humour
1470. '' Leaves On The Line ''
1471. '' Lest It Is Taken Away ''
1472. '' Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics ''
1473. '' Life's Problems Were Made To Be Overcome '
1474. '' Like Politics It's All In The Spin ''
1475. '' Love's Just A Trick O f The Mind ''
1476. '' Mans Inhumanity To Man ''
1477. '' Mass Destruction Was Our Final Act ''
1478. '' Maybe I Should Have Had The Affair ''
1479. '' Men Cleaning Women Cannot Abide ''
1480. '' Methinks You Need To Take Stock ''
1481. '' More Intelligence Is The Last Thing We Need ''
1482. '' Move Fast, We've A Mountain To Climb ''
1483. '' Music Is Just So Sublime ''
1484. '' Music Is Our Special Reserve ''
1485. '' Music Is The Language Of Life ''
1486. '' Myself When Young ''
1487. '' My Dream Will Come True ''
1488. '' My Invisible Friend I've Called God ''
1489. '' My Life And Others Could Well Be Enhanced ''
1490. '' My Life Is Bliss ''
1491. '' My Soul I'd Prefer To Retain ''
1492. '' My Way ''
1493. '' None Know The Meaning Of Despair ''
1494. '' Not The Perpetrators Of Crime ''
1495. '' Not Just A Refugee ''
1496. '' Now I'm Walking Ten Feet Tall ''
1497. '' Now We're Terrified To Turn On The Light ''
1498. '' No More Than A Coward ''
1499. '' Of Hypocrisy You Are Truly The Master ''
1500. '' Of My Life I Can Be Proud ''
1501. '' Old Father Time ''
1502. '' Old Mother Nature's One Powerful Device ''
1503. '' One Day We'll Meet Again ''
1504. '' Only Then Can Your Addictions Be Cured ''
1505. '' On His Fate You Must Now Dwell ''
1506. '' On That Subject They Are All United ''
1507. '' Oor Rabbies The Man For A' That ''
1508. '' Opposites Attract ''
1509. '' Otherwise It's Yourself You Have Failed ''
1510. '' Our Attitude Dictates How Others React ''
1511. '' Our Final Frontier ''
1512. '' Our Forces Continue To Die ''
1513. '' Our Lord Is The Ultimate Artist ''
1514. '' Our Respect Is A Gift You Must Earn ''
1515. '' Our Universe We Were Forced To Protect ''
1516. '' Our Very Special Mother ''
1517. '' Over Our Decisions We Alone Preside ''
1518. '' Oxygen, Water And Food ''
1519. '' Peace Of Mind ''
1520. '' Phenomonal Irn Bru ''
1521. '' Poetry Will Never Die ''
1522. '' Politically Correct ''
1523. '' Political Expenses ''
1524. '' Politicians Are The Dregs Of Mankind ''
1525. '' Politicians Will Do All The Fighting ''
1526. '' Prevention's Much Better Than Cure ''
1527. '' Proves Your A Low Life Coward ''
1528. '' Pure And Abhorrent Greed ''
1529. '' Remember Even God Bears A Grudge ''
1530. '' Remember This Could Happen To You ''
1531. '' Revenge Isn't Sweet , That's A Fact ''
1532. '' Scotland's Irn Bru '' humour
1533. '' Seeking Revenge Will Drive You Insane ''
1534. '' Selfishness Is Far Worse Than I Feared ''
1535. '' She'll Have Nothing Left To Purvey ''
1536. '' She's Behind Me I've Got To Go ''
1537. '' Smoking Kills, I know I'm Dying ''
1538. '' Soon It's Yourself You Will Hate ''
1539. '' Soon None Of Us Will Remain ''
1540. '' So Much For Their One Called God ''
1541. '' Sparky's Inside Your Cat ''
1542. '' Stop Now Or Your Smoking Will Kill ''
1543. '' Syria Doesn't Have Oil ''
1544. '' Team G.B. You Have Made Us All Proud ''
1545. '' Ten Light Years West And First On The Right ''
1546. '' Terrorists Beware ''
1547. '' Thank God We Don't Have A Flying Cow ''
1548. '' Thatcher Has Died ''
1549. '' That Bastard Is Kenny MacAskill ''
1550. '' That Bluebottle Is Now My Best Friend ''
1551. '' That Filthy Lying Cheat ''
1552. '' That Final Breath ''
1553. '' That Is A Terrible Transgression ''
1554. '' That Is The Good Lords Decree ''
1555. '' That Much We Know Is True ''
1556. '' That Reflection Is Me '' HOPE
1557. '' That Was Always The Good Lords Intention ''
1558. '' That's A Shameful Fact ''
1559. '' That's The Real Price Of Lust ''
1560. '' That's Your Personal Choice ''
1561. '' Theft From Us Is Their life's Mission ''
1562. '' Their Inhabitants Could Smother ''
1563. '' Their Way ''
1564. '' There Are No Pockets In A Shroud '' humour
1565. '' There's More To Our Lives Than Oil ''
1566. '' There's Nothing Wrong With Being A Pagan ''
1567. '' There's Solace In Verse ''
1568. '' They Are All Preoccupied With Greed ''
1569. '' They Are More Equal Than Others ''
1570. '' They Are The Prime Example ''
1571. '' They Are Worth Their Weight In Gold ''
1572. '' They Don't Last Forever ''
1573. '' They Should All Be Charged With Treason ''
1574. '' They Then Spit In Our Face ''
1575. '' They Use Talking For Communication ''
1576. '' They Warrant A Degree ''
1577. '' They Will Meet Your Aspirations ''
1578. '' They Won't Want To Go Back ''
1579. '' They Wouldn't Know The Meaning Of Morals ''
1580. '' They'll Be Toileting On You ''
1581. '' They'll Sit Back And Watch As We Die ''
1582. '' They're All Bloody Liars ''
1583. '' They're Already Here ''
1584. '' They're A Man Made Illusion ''
1585. '' They're Left Living In Fear''
1586. '' They're Our National Treasure ''
1587. '' The Beautiful Hug ''
1588. '' The Birth Day Of Our Lord Jesus Christ ''
1589. '' The Birth Of A Child ''
1590. '' The Blood Red Poppy ''
1591. '' The Colour Of Our Skin ''
1592. '' The Crocodile Hunter ''
1593. '' The Day I Almost Died ''
1594. '' The Day The Earth Stood Still ''
1595. '' The Eleventh Day Of September ''
1596. '' The Female Human Being ''
1597. '' The Flags Of Our Dear Fathers ''
1598. '' The Futility Of War ''
1599. '' The Good Lord Has Arrived ''
1600. '' The Human Being ''
1601. '' The Human Race Has Died ''
1602. '' The Humble Bumble Bee ''
1603. '' The Illegal Immigrants Dream ''
1604. '' The Incomparable Ol' Blue Eyes Frank ''
1605. '' The King Of Cool ''
1606. '' The Law You Must Not Flout ''
1607. '' The Meaning Of Life Is Unique To Us All '
1608. '' The Meaning Of Love ''
1609. '' The Meaning Of Rejection ''
1610. '' The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth ''
1611. '' The News Of The World Is Dead ''
1612. '' The Next Poet Laureate Might Be Found ''
1613. '' The Past Should Educate, Never Control ''
1614. '' The Planet Earth Does Not Have A Spare ''
1615. '' The Powers Of Addiction ''
1616. '' The Solution Lies Entirely With You ''
1617. '' The Third World War ''
1618. '' The Truth Can Be So Unkind ''
1619. '' The Truth They Did Finally Extract ''
1620. '' The Wife Is Always Right ''
1621. '' The Will Of Our Great People ''
1622. '' The Worker Condemned For Life ''
1623. '' The World Of Poetry Is Open To Us All ''
1624. '' The World's Rich Invent A Recession ''
1625. '' Think Carefully But Don't Take Too Long ''
1626. '' This Has Turned In To a Charade ''
1627. '' This Is How Life's Meant To Be ''
1628. '' Those Flag Draped Coffins ''
1629. '' Those Less Fortunate We Must Never Shun ''
1630. '' Those Ties No One Can Sever ''
1631. '' Though They're Seen You Can't Hear Their Cries ''
1632. '' Totally And Morally Corrupt ''
1633. '' To Allow Us To Live Today ''
1634. '' To Do Otherwise Is So Unjust ''
1635. '' To Give You Inspiration ''
1636. '' To Live And Be Free ''
1637. '' Tramps And Thieves ''
1638. '' Treat Each Living Second As Your Last ''
1639. '' Try Looking At What They Are Now ''
1640. '' We Are Being Left Behind ''
1641. '' We Are Destroying The Planet Earth ''
1642. '' We Can Enjoy Your God Given Write ''
1643. '' We Can Set Our Souls Free ''
1644. '' We Can Win The Election
1645. '' We Do Taste Nice In A Curry ''
1646. '' We Had Better Beware ''
1647. '' We Must Obey Their Every Command ''
1648. '' We Need To Beware ''
1649. '' We Only Came Here To Borrow Some Sugar ''
1650. '' We Wield The Power ''
1651. '' We'll Continue To Suffer Their Abuse ''
1652. '' We'll Manage Fine Without Religion ''
1653. '' We'll Stick With Our Dingy Old Suite ''
1654. '' We're Different Not Disabled ''
1655. '' We're In A Battle That Cannot Be Won ''
1656. '' We're Still Here, The Humans Have Died ''
1657. '' What In God's Name Have I Done ''
1658. '' When They Finally Meet Up With God ''
1659. '' When Will We Ever Learn ''
1660. '' When Your Clock Will Chime ''
1661. '' Where Are These Gods To Be Found ''
1662. '' Where Truth Can be So Hard To Find'
1663. '' Which One Is Real ''
1664. '' Who Said Honesty Pays ''
1665. '' Who Would You Say Is Addicted ''
1666. '' Why Do They Need To Fiddle ''
1667. '' Why Should We Believe In A God ''
1668. '' Without A Shot Being Fired ''
1669. '' Without A Wok We Can't Have Our Stir Fry ''
1670. '' Without Them You Wouldn't Be Here ''
1671. '' With Assistance You Can Win Back Your Pride ''
1672. '' With Time You Cannot Interfere ''
1673. '' Yes This Is The Here And Now ''
1674. '' Yes, I Am Me ''
1675. '' Your Actions Are Those Of A Coward ''
1676. '' Your Arrogance Has Finally Came Home To Berth ''
1677. '' Your Brutality Is The Act Of A Fool ''
1678. '' Your Fear You Can Learn To Endure ''
1679. '' Your Legacy They Will Never Forget ''
1680. '' Your Own Poetry Is In Dire Straits ''
1681. '' Your Principles You Refuse To Betray ''
1682. '' Your Selflessness We Will Never Forget ''
1683. '' You Are Heading For An Almighty Fall ''
1684. '' You Are Now Dead ''
1685. '' You Can Choose Your Friends ''
1686. '' You Can't Criticise Me ''
1687. '' You Fill Us All With Pride ''
1688. '' You Have Finally Emerged From Your Shell ''
1689. '' You Have Lots Of Liquid Gold ''
1690. '' You Have No Human Rights ''
1691. '' You Have No Morals ''
1692. '' You Know The Liar Is You ''
1693. '' You Remained A Coward Till The End ''
1694. '' You Should All Be Charged With Fraud ''
1695. '' You Will Always Be My Father '' LIFES TRIALS
1696. '' You Will Make Them Proud ''
1697. '' You Will Need A Substantial Loan ''
1698. '' You'd Be Better Treated In Hell '' St Valentines Day satire
1699. '' You'll Become Part Of Their Past ''
1700. '' You'll Have Nothing To Fear ''
1701. '' You'll Meet Your God With Your Head Held High ''
1702. '' You'll Now Burn In Hell ''
1703. '' You'll Reach The Peak Of That Literary Hill ''
1704. '' You're An Individual, Not An Appliance ''
1705. '' You're A Figure Of Hate ''
1706. '' You're A Low Life Coward ''
1707. '' You're A Person Not A Machine ''
1708. '' You're Certainly Not A Martyr ''
1709. '' You're Not Really Here ''
1710. '' You're Not Really Here ''
1711. '' You're Standing On His Tail ''
1712. '' You're Sure To Meet Them On The Way Back Down ''
1713. '' You've All Been Conned ''
1714. '' Bibles Are Mans Works Of Fiction ''
1715. '' Money Is But A But A False God ''
1716. But When Will Society Ever Learn
1717. After All We Are Your Tomorrow
1718. Armageddon Will Ultimately Convene
1719. Armageddon Will Ultimately Convene
1720. Equality Is What We Need To Achieve
1721. He Must Have Some Sense Of Humour
1722. If Only You Would Open Your Eyes
1723. It Exists Only In Those Who Remain
1724. Its The Party Conference Melee
1725. I Was Forced To Admit Defeat
1726. Living Is Heaven, Dying Is Hell
1727. Money Does Not Influence God
1728. Thats Why So Many Innocents Still Die
1729. This Is How Lifes Meant To Be
1730. We Have Failed Lifes Ultimate Test
1731. Where Are You Going
1732. Your Problems You Can Finally Delete
1733. You Have Total Control
1734. Weve Nobody Left To Fight
© Copyright each author. All rights reserved.