Poetry - Outsider writings., peter kelly
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1. It comes from within.
2. I am the night.
3. Lillith.
4. Howl Alukah.
5. Passion is a Vampire.
6. Strygoi.
7. The Revenant.
8. Vampire of the city.
9. The ghost within.
10. Lord of the flies.
11. Death is heaven.
12. The Collector.
13. The Ghost.
14. Only lovers left alive.
15. The Outsider.
16. A Vampire's Lament.
17. Born Of Legend.
18. Crossroad.
19. My Beau Geste.
20. Going home.
21. Empty Bottle.
22. Stalingrad.
23. Flop House.
24. Empty Ship.
25. Burning Thoughts.
26. Preacher.
27. Swept Away.
28. Sat in a garden.
29. ...a cell door opens.
30. Death on highway infinite.....
31. Circus of lies.
32. Models of the flawless.
33. Exist without love.
34. Smile with the loss.
35. Without a trace.
36. Train of thought.
37. End of lies.
38. A stage for one.
39. Within a raindrop.
40. Blind understanding.
41. A game for two.
42. Threshold of eternal.
43. Sibling rivals.
44. Playing with death.
45. City of finance.
46. A life not mine.
47. Free of doubt.
48. Love grows.
49. Possessed houses.
50. Last of a kind.
51. Death on TV
52. A star is dead.
53. A walk in the woods..............
54. Hide and seek.
55. Release.
56. Lovers.
57. Horror in the outback.
58. Third person perspective.
59. As a fragment.
60. Looking at you....
61. She.
62. Losing my mortality.
63. Bone sleepers.
64. Second coming.
65. Skyward muse.
66. Blood on thoughts.
67. Thinking place.
68. My first.
69. Night out with a vampire.
70. Reborn.
71. A road sign.
72. The Moral Uncoil.
73. The deep.
74. For a friend.
75. Lycanthrope.
76. Comrades of stone.
77. A heart within memory.
78. Last breath.
79. Act 1.
80. Snow globe.
81. She awaits in the moon.
82. Defiant trees.
83. Driven choice.
84. Soul search of a vampire
85. Blank canvas
86. A cab ride to hell
87. Return of the empty king
88. Upon a ship of hope.
89. A spat in space.
90. Lunas call
91. Painting a memory.
92. Memories fade in winter
93. Garden of the minds.
94. Away
95. Empty bottle.
96. Wishing for the sun.
97. My butterfly
98. Blade of grass.
99. Black rose
100. Pole dancing angel
101. Saved from drowning
102. Forever.
103. A thoughtful moment.
104. A wolfs moon.
105. Open........de blue petals
106. Parasitic love.
107. In memory.
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