You have found the writings of Kathryn Tate Jacoby. A number of the pieces you will read have been published previously. This web site is simply a way for me to share my love of language and life with family, friends, and others who are unfamiliar with my work. The site is pretty self explanatory; browse, critique, and leave me a feedback or a comment in my guestbook. My work is listed by title, in alphabetical order with the exception of my most recent work or revisions being listed first. Once the poem has been highlighted at the top for a week or so, I move it down into the alphabetized list. In my opinion poetry is subjective. It speaks the language of the common man in many ways. If one of my pieces speaks to you I rejoice, and if it does, please share that with me. I enjoy the wealth of sharing and the friendships that come from the common bond of creativity, whether it is through the process of actually creating or by just enjoying the results. Thank you for your visit and please, sign my Guest Book!
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