Poetic Verses

Those factors

One wonders how some countries prepare cancer statistics
Using those factors like race and genetics
But have taken all other things in consideration
Before they thought about any type of informed conclusion

If people are forced to have to be living
In an area where they are exposed to those carcinogens
Would this make them to be the one who could easily
Be the ones most likely to be afflicted by malady

And who most likely to occupy jobs that are unskilled
Working in ignorance or at times against their will
Of working in areas exposed to toxic and hazardous chemicals
Little or no safety, thus being exposed to to spills and aerosols

Some places have no reservations in placing a landfill
Not in an area where thode of the aristocracy dwell
But near to those areas mainly occupied by minorities
And shall be the ones exposed to the reactions product daily

As those corporations lobbied for their sakes to life environmental protection
Quite readily assisted by their financially supported politician
None of them would be the ones subjected to such an atmosphere
But of course it shall be minorities live near there, so why care

Now we can hear warnings of eating some species of fish
To a minority fish from a polluted water is a economic dish
But this need far exceed that warning about the level of mercury
Whilst those politicians are far inland happily with their families

So who are exposed to conditions that are not so healthy
Yes one can bed it is the one more pigmented , those of the minority
Therefore when it come to make that comparison about better health
Should not all the circumstances must not be shelved

So before there is that attempt to make us look the weaker
The effect of the stress level and conditions we live under
Our ancestral scars, things like social and environmental racism
How are we to get around and beat such a well entrenched system

Therefore my people do not take what they say literally
Exam an research all those other indicators in totality
Could it be that there are coming from such a height so bias
So our resilient has brought about this susceptibility class

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