Poetic Verses
The Morning
Oh! What a great feeling it is walking in the early morn
Appreciating the quietness there is that accompanies the dawn
Gone is the hustling and bustling in the busy street
Only that cheerful good morning of those you meet
That very shrill crowing of the colorful and proud rooster
As he strides like Chaunteclair, majestically and with such splendor
Whilst those hens in his harem are so busy scratching and foraging
Motherly gathering food to feed their broods of hungry chickens
A glance at the sea, it looked like such a frozen mass
As it reflected the moonlight from it surface like a looking glass
The way like they were now awakened come slowly to the shore
Kissing the shoreline, gentler that the lightest tap on the door
Then in the bushes, rustling the leaves in the bushes as they stampede
Are those little crabs traveling at such a great speed
There punchers poise and in a manner so ready to defend
Themselves if on them, anybody was bold enough to place a hand
They were indeed very hard to pick up in the trees now so green
Camouflaged in this environment were so very hard to be seen
Then in the process a mango seed with a thud hits the ground
Thus letting one know that the green money is around
There is such a happiness to be out at this time
It certainly brought a semblance of peace to the mind
The air so fresh and clean certainly free from contamination
This will change later as traffic increase, bring lots of carbon emission
Appreciating the quietness there is that accompanies the dawn
Gone is the hustling and bustling in the busy street
Only that cheerful good morning of those you meet
That very shrill crowing of the colorful and proud rooster
As he strides like Chaunteclair, majestically and with such splendor
Whilst those hens in his harem are so busy scratching and foraging
Motherly gathering food to feed their broods of hungry chickens
A glance at the sea, it looked like such a frozen mass
As it reflected the moonlight from it surface like a looking glass
The way like they were now awakened come slowly to the shore
Kissing the shoreline, gentler that the lightest tap on the door
Then in the bushes, rustling the leaves in the bushes as they stampede
Are those little crabs traveling at such a great speed
There punchers poise and in a manner so ready to defend
Themselves if on them, anybody was bold enough to place a hand
They were indeed very hard to pick up in the trees now so green
Camouflaged in this environment were so very hard to be seen
Then in the process a mango seed with a thud hits the ground
Thus letting one know that the green money is around
There is such a happiness to be out at this time
It certainly brought a semblance of peace to the mind
The air so fresh and clean certainly free from contamination
This will change later as traffic increase, bring lots of carbon emission