Poetry - My Search, Helena Soares Silva

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1. De Dignidade.... (Portuguese)
2. .....(Portuguese/English)
3. ramblings (Portuguese/English)
4. Cartinha Rabiscada (Portuguese/English)
5. Vidas/Lives 8? 10?
6. De Luto (Portuguese)
7. AM
8. Vidas/ Lives
9. Infância Roubada ( Stolen Childwood)
10. "El Matador" (Vidas/Lives)
11. Ideal-Irreal-Real (Portuguese/English)
12. Vidas/lives
13. Está a chegar (Portuguese)
14. Vidas/Lives
15. Vidas/lives (4)
16. Vidas/Lives (3)
17. Vidas/Lives(2)
18. Haiti (Portuguese/English)
19. Vidas/Lives
20. Interlude
21. "Azul e Branco" "Blue and White"
22. "Old Crocodile/Velho Crocodilo) (English/Portuguese)
23. Um breve adeus... / A short goodbye...
24. 9/11 (my tribute- English and Portuguese)
25. Uma Brincadeira ( Portuguese/English)
26. This an animation of a beautiful children story by José Saramago
27. Vindima (Haicai/Portuguese) (please forgive me I will try to translate it )
28. Dolphins (haiku)
29. Congratulations Mr. President ! (this is not a poem)
30. I am not a Politician
31. It's Here ( Video Poem)
32. I Dreamt Horizons (video/Poem)
33. Free ( video/poem) Timor-Lorosae
34. Letter for a new friend ( Video-poem)
35. Rose Rosae ( video-poem)
36. Be a Poet (Video)
37. Ad Immortalitatem

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