A ragingheart to tell a tale of life and love
29,009 poems read
I am glad you are reading the site. I am 64 years old and proud of it. It has been a interesting life. I started out by being the good and straight daughter of a small town family, married and had two boys who have provided me with much entertain over the years as well as some sleepless nights. I finally after much soul searching, praying to God and gathering as much courage as one human being can. I very ungracefully left a 18 marriage and to say as not the Cinderella story and the man I thought would always share in my life decided that he did not want to grow up and at age 47 is still very much a little boy. I came out of the closet and decided that I could not tell my own children to just be themselves if I could not be. I found the true love of my very existence and started a new and very scary life. It is funny the people you think will always love and stand behind do not. And those that you fear the most are the very ones who just let you be and accept you for whatever. I still have a problem with the modern main stream church even though I play in a worship band_drums- of course -silly! I will not leave the church just because the pope does not think a homosexual can be holy. I have always wondered how a human becomes to act a like a God and sleep at night. Such a play of fools upon the world. I wonder what he thinks of his own clergy??? My faith in God is to guide me and my children through this life is strong. It has been tested many times and I am sure that it will be many more times. Remember always that the person that you slight in some way may just be that very person that helps you the most!!!