Rain Y Daze's Hall of Poetry
Hmmmm....about me...well basically I'm just a 24 year old girl loving life and trying to keep her head above water. Karma is my only judge so I try not to hurt myself by indulging in the temptations of evil that life can throw you....yet, I still find myself in trouble from time to time because I'm human and some things I just can't resist. (smile)
2009 Update:
Well 5 years later & the only thing thats changed is that I'm 29 now, lmao, everything else still applies. I'm still here, thats got to count for something right? :)
2009 Update:
Well 5 years later & the only thing thats changed is that I'm 29 now, lmao, everything else still applies. I'm still here, thats got to count for something right? :)