Upfront Outreach Ministries "A Poet's Corner"

My name is Eric Johnson, most of my friends call me "Romee". I am
a proud father to three precious and beautiful young girls whose
names are Mariah, Kayla and Katelyn. I began writing poetry in
1996 after suffering a stabbing to my upper neck region which
stretches down under my armpit. As I laid there in the hospital
room, I had plenty of time to reflect upon the kind of life I was
living and it wasn't right. So many things on a daily basis we
take for granted and it took me getting stabbed in order for me to
open up my eyes. When it appeared as if all hope was gone, God
stepped in and gave me a second chance at life. This is my testimony
to the goodness of God and his miraculous works. To Him I give the
highest honor for He truly is worthy of the praise.

11,997 Poems Read
