Hello Good luck on your journey as you thumb through my work! some are story's, and Prose!
(Most are poems).
But all of them I worked very hard to try to hold your attention as not to bore you.
Now my short/long introduction might bore you: I can assure you that it is worth taking the time to read!
I started writing poetry at a very young age, as my mother was a avid writer with a wonderful perspective of the world we live in!
I would listen as a young boy to my mom as she would sing to me and share her writings!
My mom passed in 1978 at the age of 57, I miss her dearly! That's is why poetry is so magical. It can be passed on from generation to generation!
We will never loose those wonderful memories!
If we don't let the flame die out! It is like the passing of an Olympic torch!
My daughter Amanda age 19 is becoming quite the writer herself! She is very creative.
My son Andrew is 22 now, and I am sure that if he does not already write , that he will in the future.
My wife Cora and I married about 23 yrs ago and our love is still going strong! Her age I will not tell you, (as I value my life!)
We are a very loving family! Not rich in wealth, but rich in all the other ways that truly holds a family together!
You will see poems dedicated to my Dad also, he passed in 1992. For those of you who still have your parents, Find something in common with them! They were kids and teens once too! And they need to be part of your world!
Let them in, and you might be surprised as to how much you share in common!
We do envy your youth as adults, but we also remember how hard it was growing up through those adolescent years!
And always Remember to give thanks to our Father above! And his precious son Jesus!
Ok on to my writings! I think you will all find something on here that you will enjoy! I promise to make you laugh,cry and think. (Thank you for taking the time to read this!)
Roy A. McGill "God Bless"
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