140686 Poems Read
Welcome! TO WORDRIDER'S WORLD. SOMETIMES DARK BUT MOST OF THE TIME BRINGS YOU A LIGHT OF HOPE FOR TOMORROW. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN RIDE WORDS WHEREVER YOU NEED TO BE. A PLACE TO REMEMBER, TO HEAL, TO LAUGH AND SOMETIMES CRY. BUT A PLACE WHERE YOUR SOUL, MIND AND HEART CAN SOMETIMES BECOME ONE, AT LEAST FOR A WHILE. CHECK BACK FOR NEW POEMS AND SONGS EACH DAY. MAY GOD BLESS AND BE WITH YOU ALWAYS. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ANY FEEDBACK GOOD OR BAD. THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO TAKE TIME TO READ MY POETRY PAGE. PLEASE SIGN MY GUEST BOOK never not open a book because of its cover copyright george platt 10-14-04 Please bookmark this page. Click on "Poetry" to your left to read my poems. Click on "News" to read the latest about my poetry and site. Click on "About Us" for more information about me. check out e-lyricz.com under wordrider there are poems and song lyrics that are in my book "wordrider's this and that" a collections of poems and song lyrics on this site. also check out poetrypoem.com/peg1 Also please check out storypen.com wordrider1 i have put a new story on there call (names not on the wall.) Thank You For Visiting! Synopsis: Word RIDER'S This and That Wordrider's This and That is a mixture of poems and song lyrics about a range of feelings. Words about love, broken hearts, things that might be silly, and abuse by husband, boyfriend, friend or family member. I try to convey feelings that might have you touching the sky, walking with a rain cloud overhead, or maybe shaking your hear in wonderment. You might laugh, cry, or be left scratching your head. My hope is that my poems or songs will let someone know they aren't alone in what they have been through, and that tomorrow can be better. That faith will see you through. ISBN: 1-59453-459-4 Book Size: 5 x 8 Num. Pages: 187 Author's Bio: George Platt George Platt began writing what he calls "nonsense poetry" when he was a member of the Army during the Vietnam War. He was later stationed in Germany, for three years, where he continued his writing, sometimes writing love poems or cards for his fellow GI's. He was a featured author on elyricz.com. His poem, "Please God," was the winner of the Elizabeth Anderson Campbell Award and "Him Lying There" was a winner in appreciation of WOSL Members Editors Choice Award. His motivation for writing has always been to bring a smile or a thoughtful moment of reflection to those who read his writings. Mr. Platt currently lives, where he was raised, in the foothills of the beautiful Ozark Mountains in north central Arkansas. He can usually be found at one of the local restaurants, pen & paper in hand, passionately writing.