iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

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{    Lost 4ever  } ©

Oceanic Flight 815
crashed onto the screen,
but the show didn't go up in flames
the image to this day still remains.
For 6 seasons
and many reasons,
i was LOST on the island
and they all became a friend.
It was an island like no other
haunted by a smoke monster,
it took the form of many they say
and John Locke was one because
he lost himself along the way.
His soul could never rest
and so was put to a test,
he wanted the fantasy to be real
so with the island he made a deal.
The rest had a thirst
to help each other first,
then the need to leave
a plan to carefully conceive.
Live together-Die Alone
their motto we should all call our own,
don't tell me what i can't do
was the message the whole way thru.
But they couldn't leave sadly so
because upon crashing they died in the ocean below,
the island was their sanctuary
where those willing souls came together to be free.
And in the end twas so sublime
bound for heaven they came together one final time,
to prove they didn't die in vain
for without each other their journey
would never have been the same.
There were many a flash all out of whack
they went sideways-forwards and back,
for when you mix a tropical island:
time travel&a smoke monster
you get LOST in the magic 4ever!
Copyright ©2010~S@L

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