iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

1,770,294 poems read

------->the cereal poet©

Here's a little poem i writ
to pump you up a bit,
fortified with nutrients
to make you smile ladies and gents.
Life should make you happy
if it don't then come join me,
on this box just right
is a promise to satisfy your appetite.
The cereal poet paints Hope here
and the message is quite clear,
sometimes the best things in life to our surprise
are free for the taking right before our eyes.
Like the idea that we're all God's children
it matters not the color of our skin,
since some have lost this innocence along the way
then how can we call ourselves mankind to this day?
(Dedicated to a little 3 year old girl
Etalia Hope whom i've never met
but ever since i saw that face and those eyes i'll never forget)
Copyright ©2010~S@L~


the sparkles in her big dark eyes are kisses from raindrops in the skies....

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