The Lancean Specificity

The Thunder of the Butterflies


When I hear thunder I wonder
More like dream than thought
If maybe I could understand
An answer spoken in thunder
To the questioning lightning flash
Like something I forgot


Here between the flame and the ash
Reality feels like a kiss
When thunder answers me as what
Here between over and under
To remember that I forgot
And then I feel and remember this


Alone out here along the way
From never to ever
No understudy for my part
With no one left for whom to say
No one but me to see the play
Its curtain now or never


No one but me inside my head
And yet I say it anyway
Except to everyone instead
Outside my head into your heart
And come what may as we become
A poem for the long way home


And coming apart at the seams
Or so it seems to be
As we come together today
I can see surprise in your eyes
As we shed our skins for our dreams
To be reality


To be reborn as butterflies
Though caterpillars yesterday
And caterpillars tomorrow
Cycling to our joy through sorrow
But we will get there if we dare
And if we care to and we do


Going through the cycle again
Ready to shed our skins
Undergoing then going free
Cycling through our ups and downs when
Now not later and now not then
Now is when it all begins


In purest possibility
Since N and O and W
Become the somehow of to be
And W and O and N
Have those who knew this who have been
And having won now one will be


Some of the total of how but
Possible so far
Beyond the sum including what
Cannot be seen we mean to mean
As total of the sum of us
The all of what we are


The total of the sum of how
Caterpillars can dream and fly
Butterflies to become of us
Who know no limit to our sky
Freedom becomes us rise or fall
In the total somehow of now


And so we are and so we rise
The answer after all
The gift made better by surprise
When we shed our skins of fear
And wonder is answered in thunder
The thunder of the butterflies
When now connects with here

+Steven Curtis Lance

Copyright MMX

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