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 iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

take the time to REALLY care©

I don't turn it on and off emotion
if i have it for you it stays,
you do me wrong what a sin
i turn the other cheek all seems well....
then you slap me in the face w/deserting ways.
At first you come on so strong
like you honestly care,
then before too long
your kindness vanishes in thin air.
Well take it from me
our time on earth is short for sure,
you really need to be
a better person all the more.
I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular
so don't get on a high horse,
all i say here is be kinder to each other
choose common sense as your course.
I've been hurt enuff to know
that some are not a caring soul,
they're only out for themselves they let it show
they look down at those that....
have a heart for they don't have that feeling tool.
They have a lesson to learn
about why we were put on earth,
and someday the tables may turn
i'll still show them what kindness is worth.
Actions speak louder than words people say
so i'm acting from my heart,
for My Precious Faron taught me every single day
that's the best place to start.
He had a heart of gold
that shone on me true love,
and without him on earth i feel so alone and cold
i still can't take it out on others....
that's just not what humanity and i are made of.
If this hits home my little rhyme
and you think it's about you,
well then it's about time
make more of it in all that you do.
Treasure the people in your life
don't play a childish game,
some may not be as understanding of your strife
and you'll only have yourself to blame.
I've suffered the biggest loss here
that's left me weak and bruised,
but my hand on my heart Faron Dear
i'll never let my compassion for others be abused.
My Sweetheart i want you to be proud
even though i'd die for just 1 kiss,
and when others see me in a crowd
they'll just know i have you to thank for love like this.
So love like there's no tomorrow
put your pettiness aside,
for time you can't beg:steal or borrow
life can fall short it can't be denied!
Copyright© 2011

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