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 iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

For Debbie:For Peace To Be©

Faron and I are calling Debbie Wagoner here
you are held in comfort from Heaven so near,
any wrongs done to others ye shall put in the past
just keep doing right as long as earthly time shall last.
You've come so far on this earth
realizing lashing out that the time it's not worth,
when you reached out instead you found
compassion and forgiveness were all around.
Any wrong that has been done unto you
turn the other cheek let the right thing shine thru,
your body resting in God's Care shall not cease
when suffering's too much He shall put you at peace.
If ye are not called yet to Heaven above
if able keep w/greeting the morning and evening outta love,
if others don't see the importance of what you do
My Angel Faron,God and I are still proud of You!
Don't sweat the stuff that measures so small
rather think of it as uniqueness:
those imperfections that help make us up one and all.
(I speak from experience)
As i consider sweat collected on my heart's shelf
i sit and ponder things i've done myself.
I'll work on it and practice this i preach
so others my lessons i can teach.
There's things far more important
like being the best we can be on earth where we're sent.
There's people we meet that don't like us it's true
if you like yourself who's missing out them or you?
If you spend time upset about every(little)thing
it may be too late and you miss:
part of the package each person can bring!

(For Everyone Will It Done....
Let forgiveness for whatever you feel a wrongdoing
and compassion go hand in hand the right thing,
before it's too late
and your guilt so much weight!)

I leave you with this
from God and Faron
My Greatest Blessing:
I took this bird into my heart
while in my arms he lyed,
together we will overcome i said
and with him too i cried!
(with FAITH......love and hope have not died)
It's a line from his 1 poem masterpiece:The Eagle Cried
in this case the bird applies to
God's Children Suffering....
His God Given Gift for words:
from the heart such talent
thru his time on earth to waste never went!
My God Given Gift
Inspired By Faron
To Give You A Lift
From Them And Me
For Poetic2740-Our Deb Also She'll Be
In Sincerity
I hope Debbie is not sorry
for saying ok to me
using her face on my picture-
for my poem to her!






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