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 iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

hallmark those moments©

Imagine a woman so consumed by passion
but lacking the spark of love.
Then imagine a man so full of Heaven
and he was practically in her backyard
the whole time....
Is that a hallmark moment or what?!

I was sitting just inside the cafeteria door
when from the factory entered
a vision in blue coveralls and faux suede coat.
I sat there every day waiting for him
to walk out and we'd talk oh how we'd talk.
The spark in no time grew into a flame
and he soon was her ride home.
She was dropped off and picked up by her dad
but then daddy's little girl
found her knight in blue armor.
They went to the factory christmas party
slow dancing like they were on the moon
and were together as stars ever since.
Living a life of happiness and love
and when there was rain,
together they weathered the storm
often dancing away the blues.
They shared a lot of the same interests
and sang together to their favorite songs.
They accepted each others faults as uniqueness
but when they fought never went to bed angry.
Never a day went by that i love you wasn't said
and a kiss and hug never escaped them.
(Candy Kisses wrapped in paper
taste so bitter compared to his).
That woman is Me and that man is Faron.
Now imagine waking up without
that precious man saying i love you
and without his sweet kiss and hug.
Everytime when i go to sleep
i pray to wake up to that greeting
and that glowing smile getting me thru the day.
But i wake up to lonely greeting me instead
the darkness is unbearable and the silence deafening.
So NO things have not gotten better only getting worse
and as far as things looking up for me
that won't happen till i'm greeted by Him in Heaven!
it is no surprise i only see Heaven in his loving eyes
(Heavenly Eyes One Look At Him I'm In Paradise)


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