Lexophile in motion

It's inevitable that we are all going to die

Musical composition by,Thomas Newman

Written by, Dean Masciarelli

Thursday, May 03, 2012

It's inevitable that we
are all going to die

But none of us knows the
nor do we know the day

And that's why it is
so important
to enjoy the journey

That is available to
each and every day

Because the good Lord wants you
and everyone else to
enjoy life every step of the way

Instead of sitting on the side lines
you casually watch life slip away

But I guess that it may
be easy for so many

Because they have given
and just don't want to try

But it is a hell of a way to live your
life when all it does is leave you
feeling empty and lost in a society

That continues to pass you by

Because it never
down for anybody

And all I can ask of you is that
you will try
to do things differently every day

Instead of sitting on the side lines
you carelessly watch life slip away

It's inevitable that we are all going to die

But none of us knows the
nor do we know the day

And that's why it is
so important
to enjoy the journey

That is available
to you
each and every day

863,385 Poems Read
