Their has been occupation of Briggstowe (Bristol) over many centuries. Bristol is an inland street port, where all manner of boats & craft line Bristols inner dock streets. Bristol is in the south west of United Kingdom with a rich heritage & historical back ground. One of our more flowery characters was called Edward Teach (better known as Blackbeard the pirate) lived in Briggstowe.
The Knights Templar's & Quakers also had headquarters in my beautiful city. John Wesley of the Methodists movement had its roots in Bristol. Another famous son was the master engineer extriodinare Isambart Kingdom Brunel. Brunel was one of the most versatile and audacious engineers of the 19th century, responsible for the design of tunnels, bridges, railway lines and ships.

Edward Teach was such a peach...
Plying his trade across Bristol's inland streets.
Robbing the English Fleet.
Llandoger Trow is the place to go!
For real ale... and Welsh snails.
Admiral Benbow is just a stone's throw away...
With Honey-Pots galore...
For you to adore...
Quakers are to be found...
Saving your souls...
From dirtying your hands...
In Bristol's murky sands.
Knights Templar's will charge a hefty pound...
To secure your walled compound.
Hanging out across Bristol Bridge...
Fishing for golden laden ships.
An Italian named Cabot...
Sailed in a wooden cupboard...
Discovering an island...
In the romantic Atlantic.
The Mathew sailed across the big pond...
Laden with Pilgrims...
To a new land.
John Wesley preached to little devils...
Upon the mounts of heaven.
As miners dug beneath his righteous feet.
Bristolians are proud...
To sing out loud...
Pirates of the Caribbean are surreal...
But we are...
The real deal!

Copyright Hud 2008-2013 Writer/Poet/Philosopher.


Edward Teach était un gars très sympa,
Il faisait habilement tourner son commerce dans les rues de Bristol

En volant la flotte anglaise.
Llantrogger Trow est un endroit qu'il faut absolument visiter
Pour sa bière de haute tradition… pour ses escargots gallois.
L'amiral Benbow n'est qu'à un jet de pierre
Avec une profusion de pots de miel.
A vous de l'admirer.  
Il faut trouver des Quakers
Et sauver vos âmes.
Et purifier vos mains sales

Du sable noir de Bristol.

Les Chevaliers du Temple vous feront payer une livre lourde…

Pour protéger vos enclos murés.

Un Italien nommé Cabot,

Assis sur le pont de Bristol

Faisant la pêche à vos vaisseaux chargés d'or.

Il a navigué dans un coffre en bois,

A découvert des îles

Dans la romantique mer atlantique

Le Mathieu a traversé le grand étang

Chargé de pèlerins

Voguant vers des terres nouvelles.

John Wesley a prêché aux petits diablotins...

Les bienfaits du paradis.

Les habitants de Bristol sont fiers

De chanter à gorge déployée

Comme sont fiers les mineurs qui creusent

Juste au-dessous de leurs pieds.  

Les Pirates des Caraïbes sont imaginaires,

Mais nous, nous sommes

Le vrai problème.

Traduit en français par Athanase Vantchev de Thracy.
Translated into french by Athanase Vantchev de Thracy.

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