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Terry at Binh-Thuy AB,  Vietnam 1968 photo LastScan-2.jpg

The time span that humans here on earth live
Is but a blink of the eye compared to eternity
Though some people think they'll live forever

I've seen how quickly and violently it can end
Many times in life some people have been lucky
And have been through things and they survived

Whether it was from a careless act as a youth
Like darting out from between some parked cars
And you just missed being hit by a passing car

Maybe it was an auto accident caused by another
Where you really had no chance to react in time
And yet as bad as it was you had survived it too

Maybe you were serving in your nation's military
And you were sent off to fight with hostile forces
Many warriors have had close calls fighting in wars

But in the end the fact remained that you had survived
And ever since then you have appreciated life even more
Knowing for a fact how fast your life could have ended  

You can become paranoid about it or you can live life
You can make the very best of your time here on earth
Or you can throw it away and waste it by being afraid

But there's one thing that I won't let rule my own life
And that is the comments from foolish & demented people
Those who put down others who had lived life & survived

© Terry Sasek - Alwaysawarrior - all rights reserved.
  (Reposted from November 2007)

We who had dared to live our lives on the edge and have survived
many dangerous situations do not listen to the rantings of idiots
and fools for having done so in life. We had made a difference in
the lives of those who couldn't defend themselves or their family
from a hostile situation or from the aggressors who attacked them
as they desperately needed our help, and we answered their call for
help defending these people who were just innocent victims. Life's
too short to care in the least bit what the idiots and fools who
rant or yell about those of us who had risked everything including
our very lives to help the innocent victims, while they never once
risked their own lives to save another human being who had needed
help yet they will scream and yell at those of us who had fought.
We lived our lives on the edge with death standing very close by
waiting for any chance he had to claim us if he could as we tried
hard to maintain the peace and the safety of our world and for the
citizens who had only wanted to live in a peaceful world and to be
able to provide for the needs of themselves and their families so
they could all survive and prosper in life.


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