iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

1,770,232 poems read

RLB{  RichLee Blesses  }®

While i write this Faron Lingers
there in My Inspired Fingers,
a lot of happy talk under my belt
to tell the world how it felt!!
Like never ending rain
drowning any drop of pain,
oh the sunset on every tomorrow
there was never till now any lingering sorrow!!
But now it hangs around in the air
kept company by worst despair,
1 day soon i'll fly away and darkness will never know
what hits it cause it'll be put to sleep by a smiling rainbow!!
Faron Lingers in my heart
a place He'll Never Part,
Faron Lingers in my mind
a vision the Most Loving Kind!!
But i so miss the physical
touch of My Most Special Angel,
Oh My Most Precious Faron
why must i long for the life we were sharin?!
In the meantime along came a kind soul....
said we'll stick together
and Rich can tickle me in true spirit with his Raven Feather,
he has found i even talk a lot in poetry
it's in my blood line since Faron inspired me for being mine!!
Richard Lee Cook His Name
but i prefer to call him Rich just the same,
and Richard{RichLee}i must mention
has the same middle name as Precious Faron!!
So i say as echoes of gratitude falling
on good name calling,
Richard is your birth name may Rich i call you
cause you are Rich in sweetness so true?!
Since i am your friend
i want the world to know,
to me you are Rich in kind words without end
and so RichLee you bless as you go!!
Amazing Grace How Welcomed In This Lonely Place
a true friend that graces with amazing compassion to no end!!
He calls himself Raven Lee
But he'll be Rich to me....

With You His Prized Peace Pipe To Share
Cause You Offer In My Offense Peaceful Words So Rare....
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endless void of blacks and blues
being here can fill those loving shoes