John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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The true, challenge, in a person, is notwhen he is at his best, and relaxing comfort, 
but the greatest challenge, facing, any person, is when they are sitting, in there greatest, dissappoibtment, discouragement, hurt and discontent, of any sort

For us all, when we feel great, inspired, and blessed, our comfort level, is so relaxed, and at great ease
great confort, we easily, feel, relaxing. In the shade, of trees

The challenge, in a person,  is when they sit, in discomfort
when they are down, heart broken, and hurt

When you sit, in discomfort, it is a challenge to smile
it is a challenge, to get up, and out, to even walk a block or a mile

Discomfort, takes your breath away
causing you, depression, and sadness, causing you to loose your way

When you sit, in all the comforts of your loving, home sweet home
You do not feel so lost and alone

Some folks, survive, homeless, cold, and alone, and sit, in great discomfort, all on there own
they do not have the confortable life, living and love, that many of us, take for granted, living in the comfort, of our own home

The true challenge of any person, is not when they are at there greatest, confortably, maxin and relaxin, free and at ease
The true, challenge of a person, is when he is too weak to stand, and falls to his knees, and reaches out in prayer, for strength, from god, please

When you sit, comfortably, relaxed, and at ease, in the confort of your home
your confort level, is not a challenge, as you are happy, safe and sound, content and happy alone

The disconfort, of a person, will push you to the end and limit, and challenge you so great
when you, are down, at your lowest, and blue, turn to prayer, and let go, let god, be your hope, blessing and fate

By john d jungers
02. March. 2016

Comment On This Poem ---
The challenge in a person, is not, when he is at, his greatest comfort