John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,778,698 poems read

Some people, may look at me, as being weak
but, me myself and, i, look at myself as being, very strong, and elite

Sometimes, when we look, at another, its just, so very easy to point, our finger at them, and judge
its so very easy, to hold on others an unfair, grudge

Some people may judge you, and put you DOWN
causing, you to feel, sad and. FROWN

When others look at you, as being weak
within yourself you have the strength, to hold onto your confidence and keep

Dont let, any other person, put you, down
dont let any, other cause you to have, hurt feelings, and frown

Some people, may look, at me, as being weak
but, me, myself, and i, look, at myself, as being, very strong, brave, bold, and ELITE

By john d jungers

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Some people may look at me, as being weak