John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,779,028 poems read

When folks returned from world war--TWO
They were quick to start their life, and earn a living, and instantly right to work, is what they all had to--do--to--support--and--raise--a--family--TOO

When i started my nursing career, in 1994
I remember, all of my old folks--:and--their--sacrifices--for--SURE

I would go room to room, caring for my --ELDERLY
It --amazed-- me, --how --many --of --the --old --classic --movies--they --never --watched --it, --and-- for-- the --first --time,-, WITH--ME-- on--THEIR--room--T.V.

many --vererans--returned-- home, --at --wars --END
And --immediately-- right-- back --to --work,-- they --went--THEN

So --much --sacrifice, --hard --work------DEVOUTION--DETERMINATION--DISCIPLINE---and----DEDICATION
Many ---seniors---never--were--able---to--take--the--time----TO-WATCH----- some -of -the -old -classic -movies,-- they --never --had --time --of --leisure----NONE

Today -the ----baby boomers----, aged -----seventy--to--sixty-----as--ME
Enjoy --the --sacrifices-- of --those --veterans-- who ------MADE--AMERICA--------PROUD--and--GREAT---from--sea--to--shining--SEA

I -was -very -proud -to -serve -as -a ----UNItED--STATES--MARINE
And --did --my --BEST--,to--keep --our --honor----CLEAN

The -MARINES--in--every--clime--and--PLACE
Through--HISTORY-- show, --great--courage--, strength, --commitment--, and --resolve--, with --the-- MISSION-- on --hand --to --SOLVE--with-- courage--, mercy, --and----GRACE

Im -watching -a -MOVIE-with -my ---grand-daughter,--- that- i -never-ever- saw--BEFORE
As --twenty --to --thirty --to --forty--years --ago, --or --so--, i --was --very --busy --as--a--MARINE--and--in--my--nursing--working--and--sacrificing--to--raising--a--family--with--eight--children--for--SURE

Many-elderly, -they- gave--their--ALL
To -care -for, -love,- and -sacrifice--support- -their --family--as--they--did--their--best--and--they--stood--proud--and--TALL

By john d jungers
16 th of march 2017

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When folks returned from world war two