John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,778,821 poems read

When in your, life, living, and, love--the--rains--down-pour--and--COME
Dont--run--and----panick----or--, --BECOME--UNRAVELED--and---UNDONE

But just stand firmly, strongly, confidently--your--GROUND
Let your true strength, and courage, in times of troubles turmoils, and strifes, be--Bravely--FOUND

Sooner or latter, we all have to face, disappointment, heartache , hurt, rejection, and--SHAME
No matter who you are the exact--SAME

When in your life, the rains, violently, thunderingly, dangerously, come a crashing --and--crackling--smashing--a--DOWN
Hold steady, hold, faithfully, hold bravely, right where you plant your feet solidly on the--GROUND

Behind, every ----storm--cloud--, the suns gonna come out brighter than ever again, to beautifully--SHINE
Stand fast your ground through any and every storm, sooner than latter all will hopefully return to the norm, and all will be--FiNE--, most --of --the --TIME

Dont let a little rain, make you sad, depressed, and hunker down, --scared---with ---deep---FROWN

But ---when ---the ---RAINS---TURMOILS---TROUBLES---and ---STRIFES--- COME---YOUR---WAY--- CONFIDENTLY---STRONGLY---BRAVELY--- STAND----and---HOLD----YOUR---GROUND, ---no ---matter ---your ---TROUBLES---to ---WORRY---FRET---FEAR---CUSS---and---FUSS---in---a---HURRY---and---RUSH---will ---make---it ---TWICE---as ---WORSE---and---MORE------LET--your --strength, --stamina --and --endurance --POSITIVELY-- turn --any --and --every --storm, --with --hurt--saddness--and--frown-------to---a---CONFIDENT- LOVING-- SMILE--right---AROUND

By john d jungers
27th of march 2017

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