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Share my light

One dark and chilly winter night,
A star bathed a town in silver light.
Magi noticed this new born star,
Following its beacon from lands afar.

Angelic messengers from heaven's glory.
Descended to sing a wondrous story;
Of forgiveness and love for an erring earth,
Ushered in by a miraculous birth.

Not in palace or temple of ancient fable,
But born in common, lowly stable.
His gift not for rich or noble alone,
Forgiveness for all, no need to atone.

His innocent blood the remission of our sin,
His anguish and pain the salvation of men.
He took upon himself our foulness, our evil he bore,
He called us brother, our salvation to restore.

That single star that shone so bright,
Pointing the way that long ago night;
Still calls to the weary heart and troubled soul,
Come share my light! Come and be whole!

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