Sir Ricky's Inspirational Poetry Corner

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We are at the end of another year,
As we see a new one ready to start;
Even though with nothing to fear,
Still we worry from within the heart.

For what will the New Year bring?
Expecting what exactly is in store;
Will death finally reveal its sting?
Or to have new avenues to explore.

Unknown that waits around the bend,
Since we have not a crystal ball;
A possibility that the world could end,
By a giant meteor that might fall.

But it is not good to think as that,
If knowing we have been truly saved;
For it is Heaven where our life is at,
When temptations have not enslaved.

It is only temporary this life on earth,
As Heaven awaits with our reward;
If you have been given a new rebirth,
By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord.

Richard Newton Sherrer

Copyright ©2018 Richard Newton Sherrer

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A New Year Resolution