A Collection of Words

135,900 poems read

     Attention Deficit

Every day I set my Course,
Account for every Minute.
I try my best to listen not just Hear.
Listen with attentiveness and Interest
It's important that I do not pretend, and I try to Care
This practice gives me only temporary Relief

I find myself seeking a means of Relief
doing things that take me off my Course
Things that cause me not to Care
I'm caught up in each Minute.
Unable to focus my Interest
Which makes it harder for me to Hear.

I Listen, more closely, wanting to Hear,
Wanting to listen more closely, and to my Relief
I can hear, I just can't listen, I have low Interest
in the mundane situations that surround me. Of Course,
I can only keep my mind focused for a Minute;
And sometimes I really just Don't Care!

I mean I really Do Care...
If  you listen to me you can Hear
That I'm just trying to get through each Minute.
Searching for some kind of Relief
It's harder now that my Course
Has changed again...and I'm already losing interest.

I should probably charge myself some kind of Interest
A fee to compensate for the lack of real Care.
This farce I must keep up is not an easy Course.
Once I  can really open up and Care and Listen and Hear,
It will be such a glad and welcome Relief
After such a long and dreadful Minute.

Of course, I always have an extra Minute
To offer others my undivided Interest.
To offer my attention as a form of Relief.
That can somehow show that I do occasionally Care;
Even if it seems that I only hear what I want to Hear.
Its a matter of perspective of Course.

I've set myself upon a Course. Focusing on the very Minute.
Detailing even the smallest sounds that I can Hear.
And it is my true and dearest Interest,
Just to offer my deepest Care. To offer some kind of Relief.

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Attention Deficit