Selected Poems

My wife knows what is red and what is right

My wife feels her power slipping away
 control being wrestled away from her.
She feels the world pull against her, from the inside.

My wife will not board a bus or plane
 for fear of being lied to, removed, across a trail of tears, away from her home
to some alien place. There are clouds on the horizon.
My wife fears going to the doctor, facing a medical procedure
for fear they will remove her ability to create new generations of warriors
to protect her and her people. There is thunder on the horizon

My wife always covers her glass or cup
when she is out in a crowd or at a restaurant dinner.
She fears being drugged and taken away. There is lightening on the horizon

My wife trusts few men and can be evasive
 for fear of becoming missing or murdered
and no will notice or care. There is rain on the horizon

My wife does not trust sending our children to school
 for fear they will never come back. There is wind coming from the horizon
My wife says they buried us before, but they forgot we were seeds.
The sun has gone away, behind the horizon

My wife says these things have happened before
and they are happening again,
The sky has darkened overhead. There is no horizon

My wife fears losing the power to make her own choices
and protect her own body. She knows the storm has arrived.
My wife is not afraid because she is the storm. My wife will prevail.

28,034 Poems Read
