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Smoke Screen
What will become of us? A question that often runs
through my mind. Wondering how many know we
are in the mist of a paradigm shift. one that is moving
out of darkness into light, but the process isn't overnight.

Being held in a reality more and more not of our choosing,
It is becoming clearer all the chaos and hardship is being
produced and manipulated. We continue to witness unsettling
actions in high positions, seems all hold loveless dispositions
Subjected to a narrative based solely on fear, one made available
24/7 on every mainstream news station. As the pandemic loses
Momentum, besides raising the cost of living to astronomical
proportions, now World War III. What’s behind this ill to our nations?
Look no further than Greed, So obvious in our supposed
leaders. I'm sorry to say We are being lead by a low
consciousness breed. Isn’t it about time we stop feeding
these insatiable beasts? Did you know our fear is their feast?
   No doubt leaves many feeling as if a passenger
below deck, in pitch black of a sinking ship. Living
their life in unmeasurable fear, tremendous stress,
 Hanging on by a thread in an unyielding state of dread.

Perhaps unaware Fear replaces common sense, time
and again falling for its dark global pretense, when offered
a different perspective, it’s met with disdain. Nothing will
penetrate their fear and so in their fear they will remain.
It is up to the ones who know how to sustain just above
 the waterline, showing others there is way to stay
afloat while the diminishing darkness continues to
gloat. They may win battles, but the war they will not.
How long it will take is left up to us. The sooner
Humanity as a whole begins to recognize who
they are and the Divine power they hold, Seeing
through the smoke screen, the Truth will be known..
We are in the middle of a test, it’s importance far
surpasses all the rest. Life’s lesson brings us to a
place of question, Have we learned what living in
fear renders and to stop reliving it in our future?

Joy Hardy
Feb 23, 2023

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