Ursula Susette

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This poem is about cause and effect.  There is an answer for most of our life's questions....Is What...

Is What….

Happy is what love does,
Foolish is what stupid does,
Crazy is what silly does,
Lonely is what silence does,
Justified is what excuses does,
Risking is what betting does,
Obesity is what gluttony does,
Uneducated is what is not-staying-in-school does,
Redemption is what forgiveness does,
Slow is what laziness does,
Success is what well-informed does,
Waste is what excess does,
Clean is what washing does,
Ungodliness is what sin does,
Empty is what being unfulfilled does,
Distance is what traveling does,
Staying is what not going does,
Studying is what the smart does,
Intelligent is what educated does,
Learning is what experience does,
Treasures is what discovery does,
Result is what conclusion does,
Ruling is what judgment does,
Finding is what seeking does,
Reaction is what action does,

Understanding is what life teaches,
Saving your soul is what the preacher preaches.
Giving is what charity do,
Lost is what is being-without-a-clue.
Dark is what your life is,
Light is what Jesus gives.

By Ursula Susette

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